chapter 1

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When this morning dad came to wake me up, I was already in the shower. Once finished I went to grab my backpack and my wand, even if I'm not supposed to do magic at school, but it's my first day, so it could happen everything. Then I greeted mum and dad and went in the subway hoping no one saw me exiting the Stark Tower.  The morning at school began well the principal told me that a guy named Peter was going to make me the tour of the school and that he was going to accompany me to my classes. The morning passed all blur to my last period chemistry, I love chemistry. At lunch I sat with Peter and his two friends Ned and MJ. We were eating and talking about Star Wars and Star Treck when a boy who had a really bad attitude, came towards us and said, "hello Penis Parker, what are you doing with these losers, Stark?" "better than be with a no brain like you, Flash." i replied  "you'll regret this, Stark." "oh yeah... we'll see." i said  And after this "chat" he left "you didn't have to do this, you know, right" said Peter but Ned replied "oh no she did it and I thank you for this Y/N." "he got what he deserved, so you're welcome" I replied, after lunch I went with MJ at French, because Peter and Ned had Spanish, but we would go together at chemistry.

Peter's POV

This morning when I entered at school the principal called me in his office. I didn't do anything wrong, so I didn't know what he wanted to tell me. But when I sat in his office a girl arrived and he told me that I was going to make her do the tour and accompany her to her classes. 

"hi, I am Peter Parker", I said to the girl.

"hi, I am Y/N Stark", she said, 'OMG Mr. Stark didn't mention a daughter.'

"so, you're the Tony Stark's daughter? Because I do an internship in the Stark Industries with him."

"oh, yeah, so what is our next class?"


"god I hate history..." "me too."

After history, math and english; there was lunch and I asked Y/N if she wanted to sit with me, Ned and MJ and she agreed. While we were talking at lunch, Flash came for the daily treat, but Y/N stood up to him, and it was quite funny. After lunch me and Ned went to Spanish, but Y/N and MJ went to French; the positive side was that we had chemistry all together.


"so, I want your projects on my desk for Monday morning, understood?" said Professor Cobbwell, the chemistry teacher; "ptsss......ptsss Peter, Peter" Y/N whispered, " do you want to do the project with me?" "ok". Then the bell rang, and we decided to begin the project today, "at 4 at my place ok?" Y/N questioned 'F*ck, that means I can't do the afternoon check around the blocks', but I said "ok". Y/N write me her number so I could tell her when I was near her place.

(***-*****) hi Y/N, this is Peter.

(***-*****) hi Peter, this is my address "200 Park Avenue."


The second I entered my floor at the Stark Tower, I saw all the Avengers at the dining table, and they were staring at me while questioning on my first day. After my explaining, Thor and Loki told us that they had to return at Asgard, so I told mum and dad that Peter was coming over for a school project. Mum was happy that I made a new friend, but dad was freaking out.

"Peter.... Don't tell me that is Peter Parker!"

"Yes, is Peter Parker, why!?"

"oh nothing, I have to talk to Fury" and then he left.

"ok, tell him hello from me!" I yelled him.

I went in my room and open my spell book for practice; I was trying to produce my Patronus when my phone rang it was Peter saying, "I am at your house". I stormed down and told Edith, my personal AI, to put back on the shelf my spell book so he couldn't see it. When he saw me, he ran to me and he was wicked when I put my hand on the door and the Friday's voice said, "welcome back Ms. Stark, I sense that there's someone with you" "oh, yeah Friday-" I tried to say, but suddenly she said, "hi Peter long time no see" "wait, do you know each other?" "have you ever been at my house, peter?!"

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