chapter 4

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The Twins asked me if I wanted to come over them for Christmas  and I said "yeah, sure, I mean why not?" then we cook the dinner and after eating we started to sing, how I missed singing with them.... We sang our favorite song "Someone to You" by BANNERS,

and I sang with Peter "little talks" by Of Monsters and Men, it is our favorite song.

The Twins were 'wicked' as said Fred, dad came up to say that we had to go to bed and knowing the reputation of the twins he told them that jokes weren't allowed in here, and surprisingly agreed, I thought they respected him. We went to bed, I fell asleep but woke up in the middle of the night by nightmare on Cedric and Voldemort, I couldn't get back to sleep so I went downstairs and did a potion for sleeping. While I was taking the ingredients, I heard someone coming down the stairs, it was Peter "hey, Pete, did I wake you?" I asked him "oh, no I wasn't sleeping anyway." He replied, "why are you awake? There's something you are worried about?" he asked in concern " oh nothing new, only the same nightmare about Cedric and Voldemort... and you, are you worried about something or maybe someone?" I asked curious, "y-yeah, u-uh-m I-I was worried about this situation." He told me, "this situation? What do you mean?"  I asked, "I mean the fight between your dad and Steve; the situation in England and the Twins here..." he said with one breath, "what did the Twins do, now?" I asked him "well, it seem that George has a crush on you, and that Fred HAD a crush on you." He told me in a jealous tone; "you know that the Twins are like the big brothers I have never had, right?" I told him, "now, take this glass of potion, it will help with your sleep." I continued, then got up from the chair I was sat on and began to go forward the stairs, but Peter took my arm and he hugged me saying "sorry." I hugged him back and said, "don't worry, now go to sleep; we'll talk tomorrow, alright?" "hmhm" he mumbled while he had his face in my hair. Then we let go and went to bed, I slept all night and the morning I and Peter went to school; this morning was a little weird between us. After tonight I felt that he was feeling different around me, I'll admit I felt different around him and at the end of the school day , it was even worse because the Twins showed up, and Peter went away jealous, I got mad at him and at myself for not going after him; when we went back home and we found a surprise: dad, Nat and Vision were arguing with Steve, Wanda and Clint, I told the Twins to pack and apparate at their home; then I went in the meeting room, "STOOOOOP!" I yelled picking out my lighting wand, they all looked at me "now stop this, you look like children. So, stop yelling at each other and tell me what the problem!" they all looked at Dad that nodded, so Nat began to explain "After Ultron the government set a bunch of legal documents intended to regulate the activities of enhanced individuals, particularly those working for some government agencies like S.H.I.E.L.D. or private organizations like, us, the Avengers. Established by the United Nations and ratified by 117 nations, the Accords serve as a "middle point" between our desire to ensure world peace and the international community's concern over the impact of our actions." " I want to sign." Said Dad firmly, "but, I, instead don't want to; because if we sign, we will become a tool  of the world, a toy that when they want is good, and when they want is bad." Said Steve either firmly, "so, you told me NOW that there are these documents, but you are fighting about this from weeks?" "yes." They all said one by one. I was shocked, I got my bag and went in my room I began to throw some things in it, while dad tried to stop me. "I will go by some friends, i'm not going to tell you where, but I will be fine. Do not try to find me, ok?" I said mad, he mumbled something, but I was already gone. I apparated outside Peter's building, as I was going up the stairs I started crying, I knocked at the door and opened Peter's aunt, May "oh, hi Y/N what happened?" " can I stay here for a few days?" I asked her sobbing, "yeah sure PETER!!!" Peter came running, he hugged me "h-hey Y/N what's wrong?" I did not say anything, I just hugged him and cried into his neck, then he picked me up bridal style and took me to his room, "hey..." he said in a sweet tone, as he caressed my cheek I looked up and "I-I-I had a fight with the Avengers a-and with dad about the Accords a-a-and-" I was about to say, but he interrupted me "it doesn't matter ok? You can stay here as long as you want, okay?" "ok, t-thank you." Then I fainted.

Peter's POV

As I turned the corner, I saw Y/N in tears on the couch and May trying to comfort her, I sat down with them and May went off to get food, Chinese, I picked Y/N up bridal style and brought her to my room, I dried her tears and she told me why she was here; then she fainted. I started to panic but then after 2 minutes she woke up and across from me she got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to shower. I began to set the table, Y/N came out the shower, already dressed but with her wet hair "hey Pete can I help you with the table?" she asked, while drying her hair with a spell, they changed color from deep brown to Y/H/C (your hair color) "yeah, sure May should be here in a minute." I told her continuing to set the table, in that moment May opened the door and Y/N went to help her with the bags; we ate while watching a tv series... it was like Gilmore Women? No, no it was Gilmore Girls on Netflix. After the tenth episode in a row, we were all tired, so I began to prepare the sofa bed, where I was going to sleep but Y/N stopped me "you are NOT going to sleep on the sofa, you are going to sleep in your bed." She said and continued as I looked at her confused "in my bag I have a m-a-g-i-c tend, let me show you." She went in my bedroom and I followed her, she put a whole arm in her bag and took out a tend, opened it and went in, I went after her and I remained shocked; in that tend there was a huge apartment with two bunk beds, a kitchen, two bathrooms and a living room. "Y/N this place is amazing!! So, you are sleeping here?" I asked her "yeah, but I'll put a spell so your aunt don't will see it and another spell for faking that I'm sleeping in your bed, if you want you can come too it will be funny." she told me with a smile on her face, then she went in one of the bedrooms. I told May goodnight from both, then went in the tend with Y/N that was brushing her teeth in one of the bathrooms, I directed to the other for having a shower once I finished, I went in the kitchen where she was making some hot chocolate for both of us, I opened the counter and saw a pocket of candies but when I opened the envelope, a chocolate frog flew out of it  and started to jump around the tend, I began to run after it but Y/N said a spell and the frog flew back in Y/N's hand that handed it to me and said "now eat it before, it jump away again; oh look you found Merlin, I have like a thousand of them!", I replied "b-but how the frog moves, and how Merlin was there and now he isn't there?" she just said "so the frog moves for magic and you really expect that the greatest wizard in the history of magic stay there still?" I was shocked but I didn't want to argue with her now, I was tired. We said goodnight to each other and went to bed; at 4 a.m. I was woken up by a scream, I ran to Y/N's bedroom and calmed her down "shh, don't worry Y/N, it was only a nightmare. Shh, I am here." I told hugging her, "b-b-but it was so real..." she said with a broken voice; when I was sure that she was ok I started to go back to my room "no, Peter don't leave me too, please, not you too... stay." she said with a shake in her voice, I returned there and laid down on the bed near her she turned for looking at me, after 10 minutes she was snoring 'god she is so beautiful, while she is sleeping' after a while I was sleeping too. The next morning, I felt the bed, looking for Y / N, but she wasn't there, I reached my phone and called her, she answered at the first ring  "hey good morning, sleepyhead!" she said, "hey, where are you?" I asked then, "oh I went out for a run, I'm heading home, with a surprise!" she said before hanging up. I got up, I went back in the apartment, changed in a comfy outfit; when I heard a snap in the living room, so I ran into the tend and sat on an armchair, and started playing to a video game on my phone. Once Y/N came, she went in the kitchen and while we were eating, she said "look, I am sorry telling you this, but I have to move, I don't know where I am going to go, maybe somewhere in Europe. The only thing that I know is that I am going somewhere where I can't be reached by my dad..." "I will come with you, a-and I don't care if you'll say 'no, it's too dangerous' b-b-because I don't care." I said convinced, "o-o-ok, so pack I'll do a spell on your backpack so it will be bigger but not heavier." She said in a little awe; then we began to pack. After that, our backpacks were ready, we told May that we were going away for the Stark Internship, fortunately she believed it and then we left New York.

(1827 words)

A/N: there will be some chapters before the battle in Germany.

and one other thing: should I make them together before or after the battle in Germany?

comment here for BEFORE.

comment here for AFTER.

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