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━━ Third Person,
July Fourteenth. ━━

"Oh my god." Michael sat down flat on his bed next to Dawn, "He asked you?"

Dawn nodded fast, "He did!"

"Fuck— tell me everything."

Somehow, Michael had become Dawn's favorite person to tell things too. Dawn spilled the tea to Michael.

"He just asked me. It was so sweet, he got me flowers. It was so pure and my heart was racing so much," Dawn gushed, feeling a familiar blush crawl up to her cheeks. "Isn't that insane? A teenager, in this day in age, getting me real flowers. Does that even happen anymore?"

Michael shrugged. "I have no idea! But this is so exciting! I'm so happy we moved here." Michael smiled a little, "I've got a little something to tell you as well."

He took Dawn's hands in his, and exhaled deeply. "I've been talking to this girl, a talking stage if you will— and I truly think she's like. . . How do I say this?"

"Girlfriend material?" Dawn raised her eyebrow.

"Yes! And I'm gonna take her out tomorrow and ask." Michael smiled.

"Oh my god, Mikey!" Dawn gasped. "How did you meet her? What's her name?"

"Through work, she's a gynecologist. Her name is Zoe, and she's amazing. She's so sweet. I've told her about you, but of course not your story because that's yours to tell, and how I live with my best friends and she finds it sweet."

"That's amazing, Mikey." Dawn smiled.

━━ Several Hours Later. ━━

Nothing fun was going on in Dawn's life. She had a boyfriend, and a wonderful family, but it all felt normal and peaceful. Not that nothing fun happening in her life was a bad thing, because she was used to chaos but it felt very draining to not have some drama.

You know what I mean?

Dawn took a deep breath, placing a bookmark in the middle of her book page she was reading and set it aside, rubbing her face.

It was Two AM, and she figured that everyone was sleeping and she had nothing going on tonight.

Or so she thought.


Her eyes shot open and her head turned toward her bedroom window, raising her eyebrows.

"Is someone seriously breaking in right now?" Dawn said to herself, sliding off her bed and slowly but surely making her way to her window.


She peaked behind her curtains and saw a figure down by her backyard— and guess who she saw.

"Harvey?" she mumbles, opening her window slightly. "What are you doing here psycho?"

She let a deep breath out, just about scared for her life, and opened her window fully to see him standing down with a goofy smile on his face.

"Hi, Baby." He whispered, "Can I climb up there?"

"If you can do it without making any noise." She giggled, quietly and watching as he attempted to make his way up to the window.

It was hard, but he made it.

When he swung his legs over the opening of the window and fully stood up, he brushed himself off and wrapped his arms around Dawn's waist.

"I wanted to see you super bad." He whispered, kissing her forehead. "How are you?"

Dawn couldn't help but blush. "I'm good, How are you?"

"I'm good now that I'm here." He spoke softly, cupping Dawn's cheeks and pulling her in for a kiss— which she happily accepted. They kissed for about thirty seconds before Harvey pulled away and pressed his forehead against Dawn's.

"Do you trust me?" He whispered.

"What?" Dawn whispered back.

"I said, do you trust me?" He whispered once again, kissing Dawn's forehead before pulling away and walking toward her closet. "Because I'm going to show you my world."

Dawn raised her eyebrow, watching as Harvey picked out an outfit for her. He picked out sweats, a cropped tank top, and a jacket.

"Put these on, I'll turn away."

Dawn quickly put on the outfit and then Harvey grabbed her phone, and smiled down at his love. "Are you ready to see my world, love?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

And that night, Dawn and Harvey explored their town in all of its beauty. 

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