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━━ Third Person,
One More Year Later. ━━

"Okay, no matter what happens, we love you." Sadie assured Dawn, tightly squeezing her shoulder with one hand, and a Baby in the other.

"I know." Dawn laughed softly, opening her laptop after letting go of Sadie's hand. "Are we ready?"

In front of her were five people lined up. It went to Ashton, Calum, Harvey, Luke and Michael. Their eyes lit up with anticipation and nervousness.

"Okay, I'm gonna open it." Dawn exhaled, slowly clicking on the email.

Her eyes scanned the scream carefully.

"Oh my god." Her eyes teared up. "I fucking got in."

"YOU GOT IN?" Michael screamed, picking Dawn up immediately and spinning her around.

Dawn was now officially a student at Berkeley University.

━━ August Twenty Seventh. ━━

"Okay, it's all packed." Dawn exhaled, bringing down her one of many suitcases. "And we've gotta get going. our flight is at nine, and it's nearly three."

Harvey stretched his arms, complaining about how tired he was and about how it was too early to leave for College. (He was a Berkely Student).

"Yeah." Calum sniffled, wiping his tears. "You're so grown up."

Dawn laughed and walked into Calum's arms, giving him a big comforting hug. She was grown up, she wasn't the weak Freshman she was when Calum met her.

They all were helping the two move into Berkeley, and would fly back the next Wednesday. Harvey and Dawn both were dorming at Berkeley, not together obviously, but with someone they both knew.

The four uncles were extremely emotional. The weak, and afraid fifteen year old was now Eighteen and going to College. Where did the time go?

Dawn exhaled, wiping her eyes. "Where's Stink-Bug?"

"He's sleeping." Sadie says softly with a frown, "But I recommend saying bye, he is gonna start crying when he realizes you're not home anymore."

Dawn nodded and grabbed Harvey's hand as they both giggled and ran up the stairs to her Brother's bedroom.

"She's gotten so big." Luke says, wiping his tears off his face. "I remember when she was fifteen. And she was so nervous to live with us."

"I know." Calum sniffled. "I'm not ready for her to move out."

"Me neither." Michael laughed, wiping a tear off his face.

"But hey," Calum spoke, wiping his tears. "We did great. We raised her into the independent girl she is today, and I wouldn't have it any other way."


and that's the end of my rewrite !!!

I hope you enjoyed my story, because I truly did. If you want to see more like this, I have many other stories like this and more to come out !!

I love and appreciate you.

lav cx

around my scars, calum hoodWhere stories live. Discover now