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━━ Dawn Graham,
March Fifth. ━━

It's three am.

I'm in America.

This Airport is crowded as fuck.

My anxiety is high and I'm nervous.

We flew straight through from Toronto to Seattle, which only took five hours and thirty minutes so it wasn't too long.

I found myself in the corner of SEATAC Airport, huddled tightly with my phone in front of me— Trying to type a text to Calum.

It was late, and I was tired. I could hardly type.

Calum Hood.
We just got here!! Where
Are you?

I gulped anxiously, and looked around trying to find a place that could identify where I was. But I couldn't. I walked out of my corner reluctantly, finding a sign that pointed toward an area that was labeled 'pick up' and I slowly made my way there.


It's safe to say that I was lost.

This Airport is giant and there are so many areas to go and so many loud voices which made my head pound.

I hid in a public bathroom stall, falling asleep whilst standing up against the wall. I give in and bring my phone to my ear, calling Calum.

"Hello?" Calum's voice rang through the phone. I shut my eyes.

"I'm lost." I deadpanned, looking around the bathroom stall.

he chuckles lightly, "Alright. Where are you?"

"A public bathroom by a gift shop that's by security." I say, remembering the gift shop outside the bathroom.

"We're on our way."

He hung up a second after that, and I shoved my phone into my back pocket and gathered my things from the stall, leaving the bathroom.

As I stood by the gift shop, I made sure to keep an eye out for four tall men. I leaned against a wall, trying not to pass out from exhaustion when I heard a faint person call my name.

I shoot my eyes open and see a man who I remembered as Ashton walking toward me, smiling at my state.

"Hi! It's Ashton, Here." He pulled out his wallet. "My ID to prove it."

"Hi." I smile, my voice raspy and dry. I could go for some water.

He helped me with my bags and walked us through the large crowd, bringing out his phone to call someone.

"Cal?" He was muffled. "Yeah, I found her. Meet us at the south exit."

Then, I saw the three men. One of those men happened to be my real life, biological dad.

"Hello!" he greets me, grabbing another bag from me with a smile. "I'm Calum, you already know that. Let's get you home, you look exhausted."

"How could you tell?"


We drove in silence through the streets of Seattle, the dark lights illuminated the car.

"We're almost home, don't worry." Calum spoke, "And then you can sleep for as long as you want."

"Sounds like a dream." I mumble, yawning once again.

Another twenty minutes of comfortable silence and we began into a nice neighborhood that was a gated community. Nice houses lined the sides of the street.

We pulled up into this house that looked so nice, and luxurious. So much so that I questioned if I should even be here.

"The guys are gonna grab your stuff, Is that okay?" Calum asks, motioning for me to follow him.

"Yeah." I mumble.

He unlocks the front door and we enter the house. Calum turns on the light and it lights up the entire downstairs.

"Damn." I mumble again, looking around at the exterior of the house.

"Luke was in charge of the house designs." Calum humors, "He won't let anyone else decide how the house looks, just him."

I laugh quietly, and he leads me up the long staircase and down the hallway.

"This is your room," He opens the bedroom door. "It's not decorated at all, so we need to go shopping soon."

"Isn't that a lot of money?"

"I have a lot of money." He says, dropping one of the bags I wanted to bring in. "Trust me. You're gonna get the life I've always wanted to give you."

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