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━━ Third Person,
June twentieth. ━━

This wasn't a very long time gap, but a little of a lot had gone on. Too much for Dawn to comprehend. Let me tell you.

Calum had been working a lot, so Dawn hadn't seen her dad in a while— which she was upset about, but she also didn't feel guilty about going out as much. Calum was also a little guilty, but he saw how happy his daughter was and trusted she was being safe.

It was now the start of Summer, and the five were out of school officially so they had more time to spend with Dawn— Which Harvey was a little too excited about.

Harvey was very busy with working at the ice cream shop in front of the busiest lake beach there was in their small town, and Dawn had found happiness in stopping by every evening.

A reoccurring conversation and image kept playing in Harvey's head—

"We should go out sometime. Y'know, just you and me." He had said to Dawn, hoping she would get the hint and he wouldn't have to mess up by saying the wrong thing.

Dawn's eyes traveled up to Harvey's gaze, and nodded. God, the things Harvey would do for her.

Dawn had also been enjoying her view every evening. Harvey in a white t-shirt for work, and light blue long denim overalls covered it. His arms flexed every time he made a move. Wooo.

Of course, their friend group noticed this and had secretly been betting on when they would kiss— they thought it was funny and kept it on the down low.

But in any case, there was definitely tension between the two. All of the time.

"What're you painting?" Harvey's voice softly asked, sitting across from her on his break.

Dawn was sitting on a chair with a small, round table in front of her. Her dark eyes focused on the piece of paper in front of her.

"Random things, I guess." she shrugs nonchalantly.

"Can I see?" Harvey sits down across from dawn, who's eyes flicker up to him— then she nods.

He pulls the piece of paper closer to him, and studies the piece of paper. His eyes widen just a little— scaring dawn.

"Fuck, Graham," he mumbled, calling her his nickname he'd had given her. He had a thing for calling people their last names, but hers.

"Is it bad?" Dawn nervously asked.

"No! No, no." He quickly denied, shaking his head vigorously. "It's really good— truly. Where'd you learn how to paint?"

"I taught myself." She shrugs, taking the piece of paper back.

"It's really good." He sends her a warm smile, which makes her heart flutter, but she would never admit it.

"Thank you," She sends him a smile back.

After a couple more minutes of silence, and Harvey's eyes burning into Dawn's head— she checked the time.

"Fuck," She said under her breath, starting to gather everything from the table.

"Woah— What's wrong?" Harvey spoke.

"I'm late for dinner. I promised my dad I would be home at five and it's six, I'm sorry, I really have to go— I'll text you later, I promise."

Harvey nods as he watches the girl rush to put everything into her back, fast but delicately. He admired her the entire time.

"Bye!" she waved to him, backing away from the table as she ran off and down the street.

He gave her a small wave as he watched her rush off and her hair going back and forth as she ran.

"You're so fucking whipped, man."

Harvey spun around, to see Xavier slowly licking his ice cream with a small smirk on his face.

"Fuck," Harvey cursed, putting his hand on his chest— clearly startled. "You couldn't have just not scared me? What do you mean?"

"You stare at Dawn like . . ." Xavier thought for a moment, "Let me say this in a term you'll understand. You stare at Dawn like she's the surfboard, and you're the fucking wax."

"What? No I don't!'' Harvey protested, running a hand through his dirty blonde hair. "She's not a fucking surf board, Xav."

Xavier rolled his eyes, taking another lick of his ice cream before he spoke again. "Don't lie. Everybody and their mothers know that you have a certain feeling for Dawn. She's gorgeous, I don't blame you."

"I don't." Harvey strictly stated.

"Yeah okay." Xavier rolled his eyes again, moving his eyes away from Harvey's eyes.

"You're so fucking stupid." Harvey grumbled, "Everytime I try to put up the courage to ask her out, I chicken out and look like a dumbass."

"Oh wow," Xavier chuckled. "What a gentleman."

"Thank you!" Harvey bowed sarcastically. "Kind sir."

"You always look like a dumbass."

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