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My phone is acting up again... gosh.

Hope you enjoy this mini update.
Being too lazy to write a proper update...



The anti-prom party became a success many kids wishing they had attended being that the party had celebrities attended and posted lots of pics, there were very few with me in them.

I returned Bill at the appropriate time being a perfect gentleman. Like that was in question.

My mind keeps thinking about what dad said. I want to meet them in my own time.

I have been busy being the hero in the shadows.

Just as i think of how to make a public entrance to herohood. I look up at the sky and gasp.

Rocks heading towards here two are are as big as a golf car while the rest are watermelon size.

Where is superman when you need him?
Do I have to save them now?

There are so many heroes why aren't they here saving the day as always?

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