Sixty one.

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I slam the door behind me and I clench my fist and I take a deep breath, trying not to scream. I hate feeling like this again, after we talked and we solved everything. We both agreed the fight is over and yet here we are.

"Can you stop being so irrational?" he yells walking into my room.

"I'm being irrational?" I laugh mockingly. "I'm being irrational?"

"Yes!" he shouts.

"I saw you with her. Why the hell were you with her?"

"She's my friend!" he keeps yelling.

"Are you fucking kidding me? She told Kelly about the bet! She broke her heart! She's a bitch!" I yell too.

"She broke her heart? Really? Because last time I checked you said Matthew and I broke her heart... You can't make up your mind." he puffs.

"Why were you with her? After everything she did... After we said we're done fighting and..."

"Exactly. We both said we're done fighting and there you are... fighting about some stupid thing." he interrupts me.

"Stupid thing? How is hanging out with her a stupid thing? How many times did we fight because of her? How many times did she hurt us and the people around us? How many times did we have this conversation?"

"How many more times do we have to have this conversation until you trust me?" he yells making me swallow my words. "You still don't trust me." he finally stops yelling.


"You say you want to move on, to be happy... and you can't even trust me..."

He looks at me disappointed, waiting for me to say something but I just can't find my words. He takes a few steps back then walks out the door and leaves me behind.

   "Fuck!" I shout before I start following him. "Jake..."

   He slams the door right in my face but I mumble some colorful words about him and I ignore his attics and walk into the room. He's sitting on the bed and looks out the window ignoring me.

   I hug him from behind and I stick my ear to his back.

   I can hear his heart beating.

   "I do trust you... I really do." I whisper. "It's her that I don't trust. It's..." he turns around and looks at me. "I hate her. She ruined us... Everytime things were good between us, she showed up and turned us against each other... Like now..."

   "Fine..." he whispers. "If it means so much to you, I'll stay away from her from now on."

   He grabs my face in his hands and he kisses my forehead.

   "I love you with every single shred of my soul."

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