I Don't Need Your Help

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Y/n pov

I wake up clearly on a beach, I haven't opened my eyes yet, but I can hear the waves, I can smell the salt, I can feel the sand beneath me. When did I fall asleep on the beach? Wait- when did I last go to a beach? It's been months. Did I get drunk? No, I wasn't at a party. After realizing that I fell asleep in my bed last night, I abruptly open my eyes and sit up. I am indeed on the beach. 

The beach is deserted, nobody seems to be around at all. I stand up to get a better look at where I am. The ocean surely goes on for miles beyond the horizon. Behind me is a dense forest that seems to stretch on. I walk closer to the beach and look around, hoping to find someone, anyone who can tell me how I got here. 

No one.

My heart races and I'm sure I'm going to start crying. I have no idea how far away home is or how I would even get back. My breaths quicken and I have to sit down again. I have never wanted to be home more than I do now. I don't know how much danger I could be in or who could be around.


Just as I begin to feel truly alone, I hear a voice behind me. This voice scares the living shit out of me, causing me to jump about a foot in the air and turn towards the voice. I don't see anyone. I wonder if I could have possibly imagined it, but it sounded so real. 

At this point, I am sure I am going crazy. I stand up, my heart still hammering in my chest as I take a few steps towards where I heard the voice. No one is there. Just as I thought, I imagined it. I had to have...

Then I feel someone grab my wrist and pull me back. I scream, but this person's hand covers my mouth before I can make much noise. I thrash against their hold, but they are too strong. Judging by the grip of this person, I believe they are a male, but I don't care what gender they are, I just want to get out of their grip.

"Would you stop moving," a British accent, definitely from a male, said close to my ear. 

I close my eyes and squeeze them shut, scared for my life. I start going limp and feel him lowering me to the ground. I start to feel overwhelmed with sobs as I feel my butt touch the ground.

His hands slowly loosen their grip on me, allowing me to scooch away from him. As I face him, I see the handsome features of a boy who looks about my age. His clothes look to be handmade and his hair is kind of curly and all over the place yet rests calmly on his head. His green eyes, while very mesmerizing, give off this look of deception that is kind of frightening. 

He reaches for my arm again as I try to crawl away from him. His cold fingers wrap around my wrist again. I don't scream this time, I just try to resist him, pulling back for my arm as hard as I can. His grip is far too strong for me to get out of. He pulls himself close to me, close enough that I can smell the scent of campfire and leaves radiating off of him. 

"Who are you," he asks me calmly.

I don't answer, I just maintain eye contact with him, not daring to break it. Whoever this guy is, he means business.

"I said, who are you?" he repeats.

"Yeah, I heard what you said. Will you let go of me?" I manage to say with stability in my voice.

He surprisingly complies and lets go of me after pulling me to a standing position. I brush some of the sand on my legs off of me before looking back up to the boy.

"Why did the shadow bring you here?" he asks me, stepping closer to me. He had already been fairly close to me, so the proximity he is now in is just a little bit uncomfortable.

Confusion rests on my face momentarily. Shadow? What shadow? I don't recall any shadow... "What do you mean the shadow?"

"Nevermind- who are you?" he asked yet again.

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