The Boy From My Dreams

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Here is another request from Queenieofneverland Thank you for submitting the request and everyone know I am completely open to doing more. Thank you and I hope you enjoy it!

Zai's POV

My eyes flutter as the sun flits through the blinds. How long did I sleep in? It must have been a few hours. Days have just been going by in a haze recently. It's like all of a sudden the weeks over, but it feels like nothing happened, yet everything happened at the same time. It's almost like I've lost all sense of time and reality. The only way I can escape life anymore is in my dreams.

My dreams always seem to take me to another reality; a reality where my wildest wishes can come true, where I can be happy, where I feel loved. Ever since I was younger, I have been having these dreams in someplace foreign to me. It's almost like a forest on an island, and the island is beautiful. There are cliffs, but it's okay because if you fall, you can fly. You can soar above the clouds and above the ocean.

The lagoons are full of mermaids, not all of them super friendly, there are fairies and other magical creatures you would find nowhere else. The forests stretch on for miles and the ocean behind them stretches further, almost like it never ends...

The few boys that live there are all pretty normal, except for one. Only this one boy catches my eye. He's the only boy who I can actually see his face clearly. The rest are fuzzier. I can see every detail of this boy's face. I can see his deep green eyes that darken when he is upset or angry. I can see the intricate design of his irises. I can see the creases on his forehead, the dimples when he smiles, his perfect eyebrows.

I can never see anybody that clearly in any of my dreams. It's quite amazing actually. I don't know where I could have seen him before, but every time I dream of this place and see his face, a strange sense of familiarity and comfort washes over me. I feel safe around him, even when I know I'm dreaming.

With the day so young and I, being early up, decide to get breakfast. (Sorry... Shakespearean talk... we just did Romeo and Juliet). Downstairs is quiet. Mom is probably at work, leaving me in the house alone today. I always feel lonely when I get left alone. I often reminisce about the boy in my dreams when I do.

I often long to be back on the island with the cute boy. I feel more at home in those dreams than I do here. The boy makes me feel loved and important. This boy is too good to be true. He is just so perfect, everything about him. I love the way he smiles, the way he laughs, the way he seems to fly without effort, the way he swordfights with elegance, the way his eyes reflect the sunlight with a shimmer, the way his eyes crinkle when he laughs, the way he makes stupid jokes, and I have a lot more to go by.

Thinking about him makes me go weak in the knees. I know it's not really cool to be crushing over a guy from my dream that doesn't even exist, but I just can't help myself. Everything about him screams perfection, and I just can't resist. If only I could actually fly away, away from my home, away from my family, from my reality, and stay with him forever.

Sitting by the window in my room, I imagine him flying towards me, taking me away to his island, living there forever in a place where there are no grownups, just kids and fun. For a few moments, I could have sworn I actually saw him flying towards me, but chalking it up to my imagination, I decide that I need a break. I'm actually starting to see things from my imagination. Do I need to see someone? Surely I'm not that crazy...

Shortly after I ask myself these questions about whether or not I am going insane, I felt a gust of wind rushing from behind me. I look to see the window wide open. Knowing that that window was shut before, I start to feel scared. 

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