Serial Killer.

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Kousu sat on the bed with the help of Sai. His leg was badly injured and his neck was red and bruised. Sai stared at Kousu expecting him to explain why he was this wounded but Kousu only avoided having eye contact with sai.

On the other hand Candy was pouncing around, waiting for her owner to give her a walk, she barked from time to time but Sai was too busy with Kousu. When she noticed Sai was focused on Kousu she walked over to Kousu and gave him a little lick.

Kousu turned over to Candy and smiled. " So this is Candy?"

Sai turned over to Candy and then he realized what he had forgotten. " I was supposed to take you for a walk! I am sorry candy but I can.."

Before Sai could finish Kousu said. " It's fine! The wound is minor. You can go for a walk with candy.

Unwillingly Sai took Candy and they walked out. Leaving Kousu alone in the room.

However Kousu wasn't okay at all, his leg was seriously hurt;It was as if he had broken an ankle. Kousu adjusted his posture and lay down on the bed to try his best to endure the pain. But then his phone started ringing.

He picked up his phone and answered it" Dang Dang!"

Dang Yingwu, " Kousu. Why didn't you tell me you were going to kill Xianyue. We could have worked together."

Kousu," Don't you think you are overreacting! The asshole is already dead. So you don't need to worry."

Dang Yingwu," How about your leg."

Kousu, " Tch! You didn't follow me alright."

Dang Yingwu, " I had men watching over Xianyue. That's how I knew you went on your own. "

Kousu, " I get you are trying to protect me but I can handle things myself. Just because I got arrested once doesn't mean I will get arrested again. Me and you both know I wanted to be arrested the last time. "

Dang Yingwu," I know but you still need to be careful. A lot of people want you dead and if you keep on going on missions on your own your identity will be revealed. You want to find your father's killer right?– If you want to then you have to stop going on your own without telling people!"

Kousu, " You are speaking like uncle Jiang now, hey! Stop being such a bummer. I wouldn't die or get arrested yet until I kill all my enemies. But Dang Dang may I ask a favor!"

Dang Yingwu was unsure of what favor Kousu would possibly want. A psychopath like Kousu could not be read. " Sure!"

Kousu smiled, " I want you to find someone named Do Jin for me. If you find anything about siblings or close relatives, tell me."

Dang Yingwu was unsure of this. " What do you plan to do with them?"

Kousu chuckled. " Simple. Kidnap them, torture them and then kill Do Jin. sounds nice doesn't it. The asshole assaulted a friend of mine. And you know me, i hate people who mess with my people"

Dang Yingwu sighed, " Another one. I feel pity for your victims you know that"

Kousu, " What can I say? A serial killer will always be a serial killer"

Kousu cut the call and went back to his sanity. He lay down on the bed and let his negative thoughts conflict him. " Ha! I wonder when this nightmare will be over. Dad i swear no matter how hard things get i will kill your killer"

The door creaked open and Kousu turned over to see who it was. Kousu said, shocked. " Li Chen!"

Li Chen was more surprised to see Kousu, he expected Sai to be there. " Kousu?"

They both exchanged glances before Li Chen finally spoke up. " Where is Sai?"

Kousu responded." He took candy for a walk"

Li Chen asked, " What happened to your leg?"

Kousu lied." Oh I fell off my motorcycle."

Li Chen didn't further interrogate Kousu, but Kousu asked. " How come you are here"

Unsurprised by the question, Li Chen walked over to the small chair in the room and sat down. " Well. Since i am Sai's brother. I guess i have permission to come here"

Surprised, Kousu questioned again. " Brother? '' Kousu was confused. Sai and Li Chen did not look alike in any way; they were the complete opposites of each other. Their looks and personality were not alike.

Li Chen answered Kousu. " Different fathers."

'Different fathers' Kousu could guess that their family was a divided one and maybe it was why Sai was the only one who lived in the house. Kousu continued his questioning. " Is that why he lives alone?"

Li Chen wasn't willing to talk about their families' backstories but he still answered. " My father and his father are different. My father wanted nothing to do with me so he left me with my mother but Sai's father wanted Sai to stay by his side so they went to court and Sai was given to his father and my mom could only visit him. He lives alone because he wants to. I don't know why but I guess he doesn't like his father."

Hearing this Kousu could see why Sai said his life was a nightmare, maybe it was because of family issues.

The door swung again and this time it was Sai and Candy. When Candy saw Li Chen she wagged her tale and rushed over to meet him. " Candy, I missed you!"

Sai was not surprised to see Li Chen. " You didn't tell me you were coming over."

Li Chen, " I just came to see Candy. What about the pups?"

Sai, " I gave some of them out but I left one for Candy."

Li Chen, " Sounds good."

Kousu's phone dinged again and when Kousu went over to look at it. It was a message from Huang Ning it read. ' Kousu. Get home now. Mom is here'.

Once Kousu saw the message his legs had suddenly gone back to normal and he stood up from the chair and picked up his helmet. " Sai, I need to go! See you later"

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