Bad ass?

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Kousu found it fun annoying people, it was what made him need a therapist.

Nevertheless, the fear of first day of school still taunted him. He had never gone to school before so he was unsure of what to do exactly, was he supposed to bow down like the girl did earlier or was he supposed to just be himself.

Mrs zhi opened the door to his class and signaled him to wait at the door until she called his name.

When kousu noticed she wasn't looking he adjusted his black mask a little, it had tilted when he was talking to the principle. He figured that even with the mask on he was still going to be a main attraction point.

His looks was his blessing but also his curse.

Kousu had eyes of pure mischief; his long eyelashes caught the attention of everyone he met, his long silver hair sparkled like a princesses'. His body made people sometimes mistaken him for a female. His red eyes, pierced the soul.

" We have a new student joining us today. His name is Huang xing kousu"

Kousu was reluctant to go in, he was used to being in stage infront of a lot of people but something about this made him feel different.

" My name is Huang Xing. But i prefer it when people call me kousu" he slightly bowed his head to the class of twenty students.

" kousu today you will sit next to Yang renxing "

Kousu looked up to the direction mrs zhi had pointed and like she had said there was an empty sit next to a boy at the back his eyes were yellow but his hair brown, he had a sour look on his face that made him look cute rather than tough..

Kousu nodded and went to his seat. Yang renxing glanced at him a little, but kousu pretended not to notice his continuous looking.


It was break time and yang renxing had slept of on the table, his drool was easily noticable.


Kousu was bored, he expected some excitement from school but all school gave him was a smelly old principal and a drooling bad ass.

A familiar figure walked into their class, it was the girl from earlier jing hua..

she noticed kousu and immediately smiled as she walked closer to their table..

Jing hua picked up a dusty bag on the floor, she smiled at kousu as if reassuring before throwing the bag at yang renxing

" Wake up sleepy head "

Yang renxing reluctantly woke up.." you are such a nightmare you know that!.. i was just dreaming of joining the Mowang gang. But you just had to wake me up when i was about to be coronated!!!.."yang renxing cried.

" the chance of you ever joining a gang is the chance of the principal ever becoming handsome"

Kousu was surprised was this the same girl who was extremely respectful from earlier, she was nothing but a nutcase and she also knew the drooling badass.

" Renxing this is kousu my friend "

Yang renxing remarked " you know her "

kousu smacked yang renxing behind the head.

" what was that for !"

Kousu forced a smile" I am a he! Asshole "

Yang renxing looked like he was going to cry " So i was acting all cool for a guy!"

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