Spicy lips!

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The smell of liquor escalated and wreaked all over the small room. They all had just finished their karaoke, they had sang and danced and tired themselves out. It was all laughter and a good aura in the air. When one of them suggested playing a game of truth or dare. At first Sai refused to play, but kousu somehow got him to agree to it.

Kousu was alcohol intolerant, sai thought. Just one cup of alcohol led him to go berserk, the normal quiet and clingy kousu was gone and what was left was a lunatic.

Sai was unsure whether leaving kousu in this condition was okay. Although they were all drunk, kousu was the worst with alcohol. His cheeks were swollen red and he was barely even awake, his eyes kept on squinting and his body was unstable he was wobbling around like a penguin.

Ni nang walked into the room while holding on to the wall to prevent her from falling, there was an old bottle in her hand. She turned over to Kai Qian and handed the bottle to her. Kai qian picked the bottle and adjusted for ni nang to take her seat.

Kousu smiled." what are you waiting for!. Let's play!"

Kai Qian placed the bottle on the ground, and waited for everyone to form a big circle around the bottle. When everyone was completely sat down, she rolled the bottle and waited for it to stop when it landed on kousu.

Kai qian turned over to kousu and questioned " Truth or Dare "

Kousu was quick to respond " Truth "

Kai qian looked a little embarrassed but asked.. " are you and sai together "

Kousu was annoyed by the question. Sai had already told them that they weren't dating and even if kousu was to be with someone it would never be sai." No!. me and sai are only childhood friends. I just came from america so i thought of visiting him, we aren't together "

Kai qian had that look of relief once again, it gave kousu goosebumps and made it seem like he wasn't wanted. Ni nang picked up the bottle before kousu could reach, she remarked " my turn !" kousu sat back down and watched her spin the bottle, her spin was well calculated. Kousu figured that she purposely wanted the bottle to hit Sai, she wanted to ask him something. As the bottle came to a stop it stopped at sai.

Kousu turned over to Sai who was prepared for any questions.

Ni nang smile widened and her white teeth was out for show, she smirked at kai qian before asking " Truth or Dare "

" Dare!" Sai responded.

Ni nang stopped for a while, turning her gaze over to kousu and giving him a mischievous smile. She breathed in for a moment and adjusted herself with her palm. Crossing her legs and returning her gaze to sai. She finally spoke up " i want you to kiss kousu "

The word kiss caused kousu to regain his senses, it was as if all the liquor had drained down his body and he was back to himself. He turned over to sai who stared deeply at him. There was no way he was going to kiss sai and he knew for sure sai wouldn't do it.

Sai smiled at kousu. He glared deep into kousu's eyes manipulating his movement and causing kousu's body to go stiff. Kousu tried to move, but with only a few inches between them there was no point but to accept it.

Sai held onto kousu's cheeks while kousu closed his eyes embarrassed. His body had gone on total lockdown and he was doing something he never thought he would ever do.

Sai closed the gap between their lips and slowly let his hot spicy lips rest upon kousu's warm soft lips.

The kiss was warm and tasty, their lips pressed upon one another with no gap or indent between them. Sai found kousu's lips tasty, a pinch of cinnamon and strawberry he smiled. He couldn't help but want to go deeper and search in every inch of kousu's mouth. He slowly lifted his tongue and dug deeper into his mouth. Kousu and Sai's tongues were closed against each other, dancing inside the corners of their mouths and exploring deep inside. Sai hadn't enjoyed such a kiss before that his mind was getting crazy in the nearest second, he moved his palm to the left side of kousu's red hot cheeks and slowly let his hand slid down kousu's silver hair. This was his first time enjoying such a kiss.

Kousu found himself out of breath. He was enjoying this but at the same time his breathing was shortened, he was still sober and drunk not realizing who he was kissing. Once he opened his eyes again he came to his senses and pushed sai away with a loud scream " get off!"

Kousu's face flushed and Sai soon began to laugh. In fact, everyone was surprised.

Kousu got hold of sai's collar and he shouted in anger " the fuck! Did you just put on my lips"

Sai laughed louder now, kousu wasn't even scary rather his red cheeks made him look cute and his swollen lip just added to his sumptuous look.

Demon and chen chen rushed in to break the fight if they didn't stop kousu sai might end up in the hospital with a broken detached face.

Kousu shouted out " you son of a bitch. Don't ever kiss me like that again "

The girls watched in amazement, just a little kiss could make someone get so mad. It was truly surprising, they thought.

Kousu stood up annoyedly and rushed to the bathroom. If he didn't cool down himself that instant he was going to end up damaging something. His face was red and his body was too hot for him to control. Sai called out to him but kousu ignored–when they got back home. Kousu was going to beat the hell out of him.

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