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Shock filled kousu. How did A Ning find him? He had hidden it so well he never expected his brother to raise suspicion and eventually catch him in the act. Worse of all he was severely injured which meant A ning wasn't going to forgive him so easily.

The assassin was held down by a ning, his head squeezed to the ground by a ning's huge stump and his body numb and eyes pale. A ning turned his gaze to kousu. Kousu's hands were on his head, he was trying his best to cover his wound but he guessed he couldn't hide anything from his brother.

Other delinquents watched in astonishment. No one expected kousu to have a brother. They both looked so alike the only difference was one was taller than the other and more buff.

Jing ri slowly raised his head in fear. Not only was their gang defeated but now they had to deal with Huang ning 'The Invisible killer '. their gang Headless Bull was quite familiar with huang ning. They respected huang ning and made no contact with him because of the 'bloody clover', a battle in which one hundred men were killed by one man' huang ning'. Ever since the fight the headless gang became one of huang ning's many puppets. Only allowed to abide by his rules. But now they had broken the rules of not hurting his family.

" Aren't you gonna say anything?" Huang ning averted his gaze to kousu.

Kousu pretended to not notice him and snickered. " Why the hell did you follow me here!"

" Tch! You damn lunatic. Even after I told you to stay away from gangs! You still followed! Huh!"

Kousu was annoyed by his brother's interference but he couldn't help but feel embarrassed after all his brother only wanted to protect him.

Jing ri was about to make a run for it when Huang ning noticed him. " So you are the asshole who hit my bro!" Huang ning walked over to jing ri.

Jing ri flinched." wait. Huang ning—so that means that is soul..."

Kousu" Shut up! Ya it's me "Kousu wasn't going to let his identity be discovered.

Jing ri" But your hair was short and your scar!"

Kousu was more annoyed. " The damn scar was on my stomach! And my hair grew back. You seem to have changed a lot since prison. Dyed your hair huh. Black hair suits you best.

Jing ri's breathing became heavy. He feared huang ning but kousu was on a different level of fear. Kousu was a monster, a killer, a psychopath and a heartless human. " Sir! Your silver hair also fits you very well! I swear huang ning, soul—I mean kousu. I didn't know it was kousu. I thought it was someone else. You see a gang hired us to kill sir. We didn't think sir's new name was kousu and we didn't know sir had changed so much. "

The other headless bull members struggled to get up but eventually managed to get on their knees and bow. " President Huang xing! We apologize!" they all shouted.

The members of mo wang were shocked at the gang's sudden respect. It wasn't normal to see other gangs scared because of one man in fact two men.

Kousu still wanted more information so he questioned. " The man that sent you is he from the horn gang?"

" no" jing ri responded.

Kousu believed him. Jing ri feared him a lot and lying was something jing ri could never do. " Do you know who wants to kill me then?"

" Sir, you know all gangs want you dead! Killing you could be something any gang would willingly do. The man that sent us to kill you wore a mask. He paid us one hundred thousand yuan to kill you. Sir we didn't know. But we foolishly agreed. We are indeed sorry."

Kousu smiled. " no information! Don't you think you deserve a punishment "

Jing ri went stiff from hearing it, he slowly raised his head towards kousu.

" Remember last time. I promised you I will gouge out your eyes, don't you think now will be a good time?"

" Please sai! I apologize to all of you. But please sir huang xing— i wouldn't do it again"

Kousu laughed. " like I care. I haven't killed in a while."

Sai held kousu's arm to prevent him from doing anything dangerous. He could see kousu was at his peak.

Kousu and Sai's eyes met. Sai turned his head telling kousu it wasn't worth it. Kousu sighed " Fine. but because of sai. But I will still give you your punishment. From now on you work under mo wang!"

" sir!" the other gang members shouted.

Jing ri " you should be happy. Sir didn't kill us. And yet you still complain. We will do what you want sir. But will sai accept this.

Kousu turned over to sai.

" Okay" sai's words were small but enough to understand. The men bowed their heads to their new leader.

Huang ning only watched kousu. He had gone silent after seeing kousu had taken action and didn't need him. But his gaze was on sai. Who was this guy? He thought. Kousu had never mentioned him but yet huang ning felt sai was very familiar. As if he had seen him before.


The door opened wide and someone came in. This person was badly injured and his face was brutally beaten. There was nothing left of him except his right hand which was not badly beaten. The bar was closed, but open to only special gangs and one of them was the headless bull gang.

Seated in the empty bar was Huang xin. He gulped down a cup filled with beer and flirted with the lady at the counter.

" Huang Xin sir!" The injured man calmly walked to the seat next to Huang xin. His face was sunken in and his eyes had a nasty purple mark.

Huang xin recognized the voice and turned over to the man. He waved for the man to sit next to him ." How did the mission go!" Huang Xin questioned.

The man wasn't quick to respond. His hands shook in fright and his head looked down below. " It didn't work out? " Huang xin wanted an answer.

The man nodded in response. Huang Xin only smiled before digging through his pocket. He picked up his gun and set it on the man's head. " Well then. Bye bye!" the gun made a bang sound. The man jerked before falling cold and lifeless on the ground. His body remained stiff and his eyes were shut.

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