Sai someone has a crush on you.

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Kousu sat on the swing in the old deserted park, the park was quiet and lonely, no one had come there for years, it was pretty old, Kousu smiled.

The boy had followed kousu all the way there.

After the fight kousu angrily left without saying anything to Renxing or jing hua, you could say he was stabbing class *When you skip a class or leave school*.

The wind blew mightily here, and swung kousu's face cap off. This place was pretty special to him. When he was small he always came to the park with his best friend. They used to play on the swing all alone because most of the other kids avoided the park. They said the park was cursed.

–cursed, what a joke.

Kousu turned over to the boy. He was still terrified of him, refusing to look up at kousu. Was he truly afraid because of that kick?

" oi you sitting or what "

The boy's face lightened up a bit, he walked over to the swing and sat down.

Kousu continued, " What's your name?"

" it's jie jie sir "

Kousu laughed " jie jie? "

Jie jie blushed a little. His name was really funny. What kind of parent would name their child jie jie, were they expecting a girl instead of a boy.

" sorry–your name is just so funny "


Kousu noticed the boy was rather embarrassed by his name and didn't take it as a joke.

" my name is kousu so stop calling me sir "

Jie jie turned over to look at kousu. kousu dug deep into his pocket and brought out a lighter. He lit up his cigarette bar and exhaled the strong smoke.

Jie jie held onto kousu's arm " you shouldn't do that– It's bad for your health."

Kousu smiled at the young boy, he reminded him of himself when he was still a kid. " My time is short anyway. So I should have fun while I can!" kousu smiled.

Jie jie let go of kousu's arm and kousu continued sniffing in the cigarette.

" I want you to tell me everything about the horn gang "

Jie jie's face was in shock, he already knew he was going to have to explain to kousu but this was his second time doing it and he was afraid he would get in trouble big time if he got deeper into the horn gang.


Kousu stopped for a moment to reassure him." you wouldn't get in trouble. You are under my protection "

Jie jie sighed before finally speaking up.." my friend's nickname was jay, his real name was xian jingji. His mom and my mom were best friends, so that was how we knew each other. Jay was close to me; he knew all my secrets and I knew his. We were really close, we focused on books and stayed away from trouble. But things changed after we got into highschool, jay started avoiding me and hanging out with strange people. Whenever I asked him who they were he would completely ignore me or change the topic. He was acting very strange, his mom soon started complaining about his behavior and soon his mom asked me to speak to him hoping he would listen, but jay completely shut me down, he told me to stay away from him and leave him alone, he told me he was an assassin in the horn gang and his mission was to kill sai, he also told me about the death of the horn gang leader which led them to become an assassination hang. He– told me the current leader had a sister, who didn't know about her brother's bloody tricks. The gang will only end if the current leader is killed.....The next day when I came to find Jay he–he—was dead.... I don't know why they tried to attack you senior kousu but i think they... they know who you are"

Kousu wasn't afraid about his identity being discovered. The worst that could happen was he could get injured but death was still far far away from him. " That's not what I want to know.. I want to know why you joined sai's gang mowang "

Jie jie's face suddenly flushed, his fear had suddenly disappeared.

" if you don't want to tell me i..."

" no" jie jie stopped kousu from leaving "

Jie jie continued still holding onto kousu's wrist and hiding his face under his arms.

" I–the reason why I was bullied by that student was because i– I am a cutsleeve... when I got into highschool I saw Sai for the first time and i– had a crush on him. I never told anyone except my highschool friend do jin but i was stupid to tell do jin. he told everyone about it and i became a laughing stock. People started bullying me and delinquents turned me into their slaves. I was forced to use my lunch money to buy food for them or else they were going to tell sai.. I joined Sai's gang because of Jay. He wanted me to get enough information about sai. I didn't know why then but I followed foolishly ...."

Kousu glanced at the boy, " you got a crushy washy on sai huh!. I will be honest with you.."Kousu breathed in and soon shouted " he is the worst psychopathic idiotic asshole ever!!"

" Hey, that's not nice, " said Sai, who came out from the tree behind with li chen by his side.

Kousu was left in shock and jie jie wanted to just bury himself alive.

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