Jie jie 4

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The hospital wasn't too crowded with only  a few people seated in the reception. The hospital was really depressing. Some people were sobbing while some felt pity. All they could hope for was the survival of their lost ones. Jie jie had just reached the hospital, his eyes were moving to every location and his hopes were still high, he needed to find his sister.

He ran around the hospital in search for A Niang, moving through every ward and causing people to look at him quite suspiciously. They were nowhere he had run around the ward over and over but he couldn't find them. He bent his head over in order to catch his breath, breathing heavily and thirsting for water.

When he heard a loud crash from one of the wards and soon after came a woman shouting. Jie jie already knew whose voice it belonged to; it was his mother. He picked up the pace and rushed over to the ward.

It was like he guessed his mom, her face was teary and her rage wasn't hidden, jie jie's father was the same, his rage too was noticeable and it seemed they had a fight. Because all of the nurses had gathered there to stop the woman from causing a scene.

Jie jie glanced at the new situation. His father had a hand mark on his face and his mother's hair was scattered and her face was pale and with black heavy bags.

She cried. " You bastard. The only thing you are good at is hanging out with your dirty mistresses. Your child is on the hospital bed paralyzed and all she needs is treatment but what do you do?—You don't have money!. You liar!"

From a distance jie jie watched his parents argue his eyes were swollen and his tear bags were filled up as if he was going to cry down a stream.

His father shouted. " Shut up you ugly rat. The only thing you are good at is complaining. Look at you. Look at what your children are. One of them is a wimp who can't even socialize and the other one is now a crippled. You don't deserve to be called a mother. If i had a mother like you i will kill myself. And you expect me to remain faithful to a rat like you—"

Before jie jie's father could finish his statement, jie jie's mom landed a heavy slap across the man's cheek causing him to slightly stagger.

" You bitch!" he shouted. The woman's eyes couldn't take it anymore; her tears flowed down like rivers.

" tch! I want a divorce. You can keep your stinky kids. But don't ever talk to me" jie jie's father walked out on the woman. He walked towards the door where jie jie was standing. He glanced at his son for a while, but held himself from turning back. He walked out of the room without saying anything. With only one goal set on his mind to never come back.

One month passed in no time, and Jie Jie's father never came back nor called. He was truly gone. jie jie's mom was in a state of depression, she was thin, weak and hopeless. Her eyes had big black bags from inability to sleep and her face was slim and tiny leaving nothing but a skull. Her eyes were sunken deep and her skin was pale. She was pitiable.

There was no news from the hospital. All they needed was money to help A Niang recover but their family was extremely poor after the outbreak of the food crises for their mom jie ming's cafe. They were sabotaged and blamed for food poisoning which led to the shutdown of jie ming's cafe. Ever since then the family had experienced nothing but problems, their parents started arguing, their father stopped coming home, their parents abused each other and food was hardly available for them to eat.

Jie jie was back in school, his face was worse than usual and his hair was scattered and roughly made. He got into the class and took his seat, ignoring everyone who glared at him. His face was rough and his eyes were red and swollen.

Jie jie soon noticed jay wasn't in class in fact nowadays he was never really in class and he also avoided all contacts with jie jie. Jie jie hadn't seen him so apologizing was also going to be a big problem.

The bell rang and all the students went out for a snack, leaving only jie jie and his seat partner in the class. Jie jie's seat partner was Do Jin. do jin wasn't that popular but he was a talkative who did nothing but talk all day, his grades were always the lowest and he would eat or sometimes sleep in class. He was lazy, arrogant and a glutton.

However he was quite handsome, he had orange eyes, orange hair and freckles on his cheeks. He was the same height as jie jie which made jie jie not to feel strange around him.

Do Jin yawned and stretched his hands because he had just woken up. He slept all through class but had somehow woken up during break—jie jie thought mockingly.

Do Jin noticed jie jie and waved but jie jie ignored, he didn't want to have anything to do with this big mouth. Afterall jie jie had heard some rumors about do jin. Most of the rumors had to do with him being a snitch and snitching on his close friends to earn more power and respect. And if there was something jie jie hated was people who don't mind their business.

When Do jin noticed Jie jie was leaving he grabbed Jie jie's arm and asked. " You are friends with Jay right?" jie jie released do jin's grib from him, he didn;t want a smelly snitch to touch him. " yes"

Do Jin smiled, his smile was somewhat sly and only made one think of trouble. Do Jin asked, " Do you know president sai!"

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