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When Sai was sure Bo Cheng was in good hands, he signaled the founding members to go home but they all weren't willing to go and wanted to have a private meeting with sai. Sai accepted it and went over to discuss with them, leaving kousu behind.

Kousu sighed before sitting on the reception chair. He was trying his best to compose himself but his mind only gave him negative thoughts among it was the fear that Sai might ask him unwanted questions about his past.

Kousu heard the door open and someone came in. At first kousu didn't bother to look because all the founding members were still having a meeting but when the person came closer to Kousu, he opened his eyes.

" Scorpion xiong!"

It was demon, his smile was wider than ever and his red headband tilted a little and was covered in little specks of blood.

" Scorpion xiong. You seem sad. Why is that?"

Kousu didn't know his unhappy face was that obvious; he had thought it was hidden very well. Demon smiled at kousu before taking his seat on the metal bench. He sat inappropriately but soon adjusted himself and moved his head forward. " Kousu! Xiong are you thinking of sai!"

Kousu wanted to say no but his mouth was in control. " yes!"

Demon smiled at his sincerity, he grabbed kousu neck and pulled him closer to himself. He reassured. " Scorpion! I want you to know something. Sai is the nicest person I have ever met. At first when everyone wanted him to be our leader I was annoyed. You know why? Because I saw Sai as someone who would kill his delinquents with kindness. But when Sai became the leader, Good things started to happen. Kousu! Sai is the type who always minds his business. He would wait for you to tell him,he wouldn't force you. So stop being a bother and go home to your husband."

" he is not my husband"

Demon smirked before leaving to meet the other founding members, his words had truly helped kousu calm down.


Kousu's hair was soggy and wet. He came out of the bathroom with his wet bangs covering his face and his hair dripping with water. The shower was really warm and it had managed to cool his troublesome mind a little. He used the towel to clean his face before his gaze fell on sai.

Sai was truly a kid, he lay down on the bed with a sweet in his mouth and a phone on top of his face, his hair was untied and he was shirtless. His fair skin added to his beauty and his muscular body could make someone think of him as mature.

Unexpectedly, Sai stood up from the bed and glanced at kousu before smiling. He said" kousu ge. Have you ever noticed how better you look with bangs!"

Kousu ignored Sai, he wasn't ready for his stupid flirting. Sai being shirtless was not as scary as before; maybe because most of the time sai was shirtless.

Kousu walked over to Sai's bed, he plugged in an air dryer and was about to blow his hair when Sai asked." Can I help you do it!"

Kousu didn't want anyone touching his hair, but Sai's puppy eyes were too much for him. " Fine!"

Sai smiled, he took the hair dryer and carefully dried kousu's hair. Kousu was feeling a little strange, his heart was beating too fast and his body was feeling funny–was it because sai was touching his hair or because of how close sai was to him.

Kousu flinched a little, sai noticed it and stopped at once. " are you okay?"

Am I okay? Of course I am not!

" Sai, aren't you gonna ask me about my past life? and how jing ri knew who i was and why the headless bull gang were scared of me?"

Sai stopped for a moment and smirked, he dropped the hair dryer and moved closer to kousu's ear. Kousu flinched, feeling Sai's breath on him.

Sai," your ear is very sensitive. You know!"

Kousu blushed–was sai trying to flirt with him again. " Are you going to ignore my question?"

Sai chuckled silently. " You don't want to talk about it. So why should I ask you?"

Immediately peace filled kousu heart, he was reassured. What demon said wasn't a lie. Sai was going to wait till he was ready. " Whatever! I thought you were the inquisitive type!"

Sai turned his head sideways, " I am not inquisitive. I swear!"

Kousu laughed out loud. Sai was the only thing that made him happy and so he needed to treasure Sai and keep him safe at all costs.

" kousu!" sai repeated.

Kousu was annoyed by it. Kousu scolded " what!"

Sai wasn't quick to respond but he finally answered. " I am going on a date with Kai qian!"

Without waiting, kousu turned over to sai. His expression was a mixture of confusion and anger, he asked. " Date! Why didn't you tell me !"

Sai " she asked me out"

Kousu " wait. Why!"

Sai " i guess she might have gotten jealous after our kiss"

Sai expected kousu to be happy but kousu didn't look happy at all rather he looked annoyed and sad. " kousu are you okay!"

Kousu raised his head up and simply nodded. " I need to em.. Check my hair. I will be back " he stood up from the bed and walked to the bathroom.

'Kai qian, she asked him out but why did he say yes? Why didn't he ask me first? He could have waited to hear my decision. That bitch!' kousu held his mouth after realizing the way he thought. Was he jealous, he asked himself annoyingly. There was no way for him to hide the fact that he was annoyed about sai and kai qian going out but although sai and him were working together if sai wanted to date kai qian he had no say.

Everything that had happened the kiss and sai being friendly with him was only because of the mission and only because Sai saw him as his role model. There was nothing between them...

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