Mei xuan?

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Kousu 's mind was filled with unwanted thoughts. Sai would obviously question him about jing ri and the horn gang, there was no way out of it.

On the other hand the founding members felt easily pleased. After the gang attack the police had figured there was a gang fight and so all the gangs had to depart and leave the dead behind. They managed to get to a hospital for bo cheng and were all seated waiting for any news from the doctors. Most visitors in the hospital were too scared to even pass them. After All they were covered in blood and resembled demons.

There was a loud clang from the door on the corner and someone walked in. At first kousu found it hard to believe but when he glanced again he shouted joyfully. " Mei xuan! "

Mei Xuan was kousu's most favorite cousin apart from mei lian. He was Mei lian's brother and also he was a delinquent. He wore a black ragged jeans, a crimson red shirt and a black demin jacket. His black and white hair was tied black and his lavender eyes gave an uneasy feeling to those who dared look at it.

Mei Xuan smoked on his cigarette before giving his cousin a devastating glare. " You never listen, you lunatic! I swear you are just like your old man."

Kousu lowered his head in respect. He knew mei xuan had found out about the incident. A ning would have told him.

" Raise your head up!"

Kousu did as commanded.

" So which one of you beat up the guy who tried to kill my potato!"

Potato! All the founding members turned to one another, holding themselves from laughing.

Mei Xuan fixed his gaze upon sai. Whose gaze was mostly on kousu. Mei Xuan remarked. " so! You are the one who took the assassin down! You know you look really familiar!"

Sai's usual smile turned to a cold face as he turned towards mei xuan. He replied. " You don't seem familiar. But yes! I was the one!"

Mei Xuan still didn't smile. He walked over to kousu and placed his hand behind kousu's head before causing a huge tump by forcefully bending kousu's head. And so did he. " Say thank you!"

Kousu was annoyed but wasn't willing to annoy his cousin. " Sai thankyou! Dickhead"

Mei Xuan smacked kousu before letting go of him. " If my cousin bothers you. Come to me and I will beat him up!"

Surprised, Sai's eyes lightened up a bit. Was everyone in kousu's family a delinquent? And most of all kousu respected someone!.

Kousu frowned " what are you looking at!"

The hospital door opened and Huang Ning came out with a white coat and his glasses on. He was in charge of the hospital and also a doctor there. Afterall the name of the hospital was ' The Huang Hospital' owned by the popular family' Huang'.

However huang ning was surprised to see mei xuan there he looked completely different. His piercing's were uncountable and his purple eyes seemed to be getting paler. Huang ning walked over to the founding members ignoring his own family. " Bo cheng just has a slight injury. It will get better soon in a week plus,all he needs is an adequate diet and enough rest. But when he recovers he should abstain from gang activities for at least a month"

Sai nodded. This was truly good news for them at least the injury wasn't too major and was minor. Huang ning averted his gaze to kousu and changed his tone. " Damn psycho. See what you caused now. Mei xuan had to come see you! "

Kousu was annoyed. It wasn't only his fault. He was only just fighting and it was not like he hadn't experienced injuries worse than this to him this injury was only a scratch. " Tch! What are you gonna do? Keep me under your shoulder! I am not some fucking kid. Compared to all the injuries I have had. This is only a minor scratch!"

Huang ning was disgusted, his brother was truly a nut case. Even the hospital couldn't deliver him. Kousu among all people should be the one to stay away from gangs but yet he was still in one.

Mei Xuan interfered. " Huang ning there is no point. The damn asshole is like his old man. Stubborn but yet stupid. I have no problem with kousu joining a gang. But as long as he doesn't make the same mistake as before he can as well die being a delinquent. It's a honor"

Among all people, Huang Ning only listened to Mei Xuan. After all, their cousin–like relationship was nothing compared to their real relationship. " Fine! Sai you are to keep watch of kousu. If anything happens to him. You will take the most punishment"

Sai was unsure of when he became kousu's bodyguard but he willingly accepted the task and nodded.

Huang ning didn't bother to look at mei xuan. He only walked out of their reception to attend to other patients.

Relieved, kousu took his seat next to sai.

Mei Lian was still there, she was unsure of what to do exactly. She didn't want kousu involved in gang activities ever again. But still she had no say in the top two men of their family. ' Huang Ning and Mei Xuan' she always found both of them quite depressing and ignored them when they made stupid decisions but when it came to kousu she became overprotective after all she had seen kousu as a baby and watched him grow up. Her mind was only being negative to her. She could tell that nothing good was going to come out of kousu joining another gang. The last time kousu almost died, she was unwilling to let her cousin make the same mistake.

Mei Xuan noticed his sister's unhappiness with their decision, he only smiled to reassure her before speaking. " Sometimes you leave them on their own, they are still kids. Once they feel the pain and learn from mistakes, they will be able to make better decisions for themselves" 

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