Death wish

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The first thing that came to kousu's mind was why he had followed sai home. Sai was truly manipulative, falling for Sai's striking eyes. He agreed to follow Sai, but now he regrets it.

Sai's room wasn't too big but it was really pretty, the glass windows attracted the shadows of twinkling light, there was a long bed and red velvet curtains, with a little shelf and sofa on the right and a small coffee table on the left.

Sai sat comfortably on his six foot bed, he smiled at Kousu reassuring him he wasn't in trouble.

—tch like I would ever believe a delinquent.

Kousu found Sai annoying. How could someone hide his feelings so easily? His smile was confusing and awkwardly cute, it made kousu feel uncomfortable.

Sai adjusted his posture and sat up, holding his head up with his arm.

" kousu. Why don't you sit down "

Kousu refused to sit; he wanted to deal with this and leave, he didn't have time to play games with a delinquent.

Sai could tell Kousu was uncomfortable, his face was really attractive, it made him look female. His eyelashes were long and silver and his annoyed face was not hidden from sai. Sai wanted to see what was under the black mask he wore.

Sai smiled convincingly " Well I like you kousu "

Kousu's mind had stopped to reason things: was this a confession or was this guy a gay player.

Kousu answered rudely " tch!, Like I care. I don't like you "

Kousu's voice was stern and annoyed although he never liked girls, he was sure he wasn't gay. Growing up he sometimes got harassed by men during interviews and even when he acted in movies.

Men made him feel sick all they did was objectify him and try to get with him.... And this sai guy was no different.

Sai stood up with his hands in his pocket as he moved closer to kousu. Kousu was caught off guard and he soon fell down on the bed.

Sai crawled closer to kousu almost like he was about to give him a kiss.

Kousu was left in disbelief his body was stiff and unable to move; Sai's manipulative eye must have caused it he kept blaming. Kousu's face flushed at their sudden closeness; he tried to hide his face but his arms weren't moving. Sai was still on top of him on the bed, his smile had turned to a serious glare. He moved his hand closer to Kousu who was still unsure of why his body had become stiff.

Unexpectedly, Kousu felt his mask fall on the bed and his face was now bare and open.

' ah!" He turned over and hid his face under the bed, he wasn't going to fall for this manipulative creep.

Sai's smile went back and he got closer to kousu's neck teasing this guy was fun..

' you are really pretty behind the mask"

Kousu shouted " you asshole. "Kousu was suppressed by the desire to slap sai and so he did. The slap had a loud thump... the windows suddenly flung open, responding to the death wish kousu had implanted.

Sai's hand was on his red cheek, his smile had turned to a frown.

' sai i..." kousu feared, he just slapped a top delinquent,he truly was going to die.

" you got some nerve huh"

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