Jie jie!

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Kousu's mind was overwhelmed with thoughts. Most of which was from what Sai had mentioned the other day, the thought of him getting jealous at something so stupid made him want to smash his head on a wall. All his mind went to was' there is no way I am gay!'. 

Kousu was having a student meeting in class and the class president was in front of them announcing the new clubs in case anyone wanted to join.

The class president noticed kousu had not been listening all through and was just staring at the window, so he called. " kousu! "

Kousu still didn't hear. " kousu!" the class president repeated.

Renxing, who was sleeping next to kousu, heard the noise and got up.he turned around to see everyone's attention was on them. He turned to his side to see kousu staring hopelessly at the window. " kousu!" renxing tapped kousu's shoulder to alert him.

" what!" kousu was annoyed, he averted his gaze to renxing and renxing pointed to the angry class president. Kousu asked rudely " oi what you want"

The class president's fists were tightly closed and his eyebrows were up, given a somewhat shape of a triangle. He squeezed the piece of paper in his hands and scolded. " You have been looking out the window all day. I have been calling you and yet you just god darn ignored me! Who the fuck do you think you are?"

Although kousu was annoyed by his rude language, he tried his best to not cause a scene. Afterall he wasn't in a good mood. " You done! Like i give a shit about your fucking announcement. Tch! "

The class president's rage increased and he pointed over to kousu. " Huang xing kousu!"

This time kousu wasn't going to play nice, this kid had no authority to call him the surname ' Huang' No one ever called it.

Kousu stood up from his seat, his hands in his pocket and his red eyes burning with rage, his posture was calm and straight and his head was up high as he walked up to the teacher's desk. Once he was close enough to the class president, the class president shivered in fear, his clenched fists were covered in sweat and his eyes had gone pale. Although they were the same height, something about kousu made him seem bigger. Was it his soul catching eyes, or was it the mask which covered his real emotions? " What punishment should I give you?"

The boy shivered harder and his mouth mumbled like he was going to say something. 

kousu," you've gone silent huh! Tch! "

Kousu walked past the boy before asking, " kid what's your name? "

The class president was still in shock but he bowed down his head and shouted. " Da xiao sir!"

" Da xiao! Get something straight. Don't mess with murderers!"

Kousu's words were soft and silent but were enough to wack sense into whoever heard it.

Kousu walked out of the classroom with a destination already set, he was going to miss class but that didn't matter to him. In reality most of the things he was taught he knew already and since his future had already been planned he wasn't going to need to choose a career or really study like students normally do.

He walked over to the back of the school, which was vandalized and partially broken. There was a sound of sobbing and weeping and a few school items on the ground. There was a rough book, some pencil crayons, a pen and a broken lunch box.

Not surprised, Kousu picked up the items and arranged them all in the bag. He averted his gaze to Jie Jie who was sobbing, broken and battered. His clothes were torn and soaked with water and blood, his face was purple and his hands were cut on all sides. Even from look you could tell he must have been beaten up with a huge bat. Kousu moved over to jie jie, holding the items and then placing them in the torn bag.

This was what kousu was looking at from the window, he wasn't just thinking about sai, he was also watching Jie jie get bullied. " You look worse than ever!"Kousu said while sitting on the ground next to jie jie. He asked, "Did they use a bat?"

Jie jie cried even more, his cries were disgusting and his face was disfracture.

Unsure of what to do, Kousu sighed and placed his hand on top of Jie jie's head to calm him down. Jie jie's cries were silent, they sounded like raindrops falling. His pain was not so hard to see and his eyes were purple and swollen, his only comfort was kousu who was now beside him, the only friend he has, the only one who is still there for him and helping him in times of trouble. This was his reality and part of it was his fault.

Jie Jie's cries reduced, but his face was still swollen and covered by his hands. He turned over to kousu whose attention was only on him. " Kousu! Please can you promise to stay with me forever"

Jie jie's words left kousu even more annoyed, this promise was only going to leave him in suffering and nothing more. Anyone who came close to kousu always suffered or ended up regretting. Nothing good ever came from him and yet this weak, bullied boy wanted to risk his life because of loneliness and company.

Although kousu wasn't willing to make such a promise, he only frowned and finally answered. " I will!"

The boy's eyes were swept with joy and his swollen eyes glittered. But kousu had a condition. " I want you to explain everything in detail about Jay and the horn gang. From when you were little until now"

Jie jie's smile was gone now and his face went bloomy as before, he hated remembering the past especially if it was the past about jay. He moved his head slightly and adjusted his posture while sneering due to the immediate pain of his movement. " okay!"

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