Jie Jie 2

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The newly opened cafe was busy, a lot of clatters and chats came across every swing of the door. The customers were increasing by the second and the workers were workly profusely, the popularity of the shop had grown ever since the advertisement that attracted a lot of people to try their ' World Famous Hot pot', it was as delicious as the people had said and left a mouth watering taste to the consumer.

In the midst of all the commotion sat the store owner Jie Ming and her friend Xian li. Xian Li decided to visit her friend at her newly opened shop; they hadn't talked since college, but seeing how busy the shops were xian li could tell her friend was doing very well.

Xian Li averted her gaze from the customers to her son Xian Jingji, the boy was only six and was very shy. " Jing ji aren't you going to say hi to your new friend " xian li pointed to jie jie who was sitting across the table with his head down.

Xian Li sighed before speaking to Jie ming. " Your son has grown! He is starting to look just like you. How lucky you are!"

Jie Ming chuckled. " Oh come on! Your son is very handsome and he takes after his father!"

Xian li sighed. " I wish he looked more like me though. Anytime I look at him I see his father and I just flush. It's embarrassing!"

Jie ming." ha! You and Xian Feng Chou are a really good couple. In Fact i envy you. It's been so long since I saw Feng Chou. How is he doing?"

Xian li smiled, thinking of her husband made her feel at peace and satisfied. She flushed a little before speaking up. " He is still like before. Very hardworking, in fact he is working in Huang national enterprise company. "

" wow!" Jie ming shouted in shock, the company was a powerful company, they were very rich and also knew a lot of politicians including the president. Even the president wasn't as rich as them.

As the parents continued their chatting, the boys sat in the corner staring at each other, they were both waiting for who would talk to who first, but the awkward silence was getting overwhelming and soon. Xian jingji spoke up. " Do you want to be my friend!"

Xian jingji's voice was squeaky but loud, it was also adorable which made their parents flush. Jie jie only nodded in agreement. Xian jingji flushed. " my name is xian jingji but call me jay"

Jie jie stood up. " my name is jie jiang but call me jie jie"

Xian jingji chuckled a little, the name jie jie was really funny to him, but he tried his best to cover his laughing face.

Xian jingji walked over to jie jie, taking a grasp of his hand and then running away to a nearby park. They played like they had known each other for years, both laughing and playing along the swings and slides.

Truly they were just kids and their friendship was going to make a great bond that couldn't be broken.

Once the sun had gone down, both parents came to pick up their children. They waved their goodbyes before taking their leave and they promised each other. " we will be best friends forever right Jie jie"

" Right......"

It was high school in a flash, the new students crowded the assembly hall and there was barely enough room for the old students. All the seventh grade students had a huge smile on their face and a willingness to go on this adventure into a new school, a new grade and meeting new people. The old students stared at them mockingly, they knew what highschool was like and they were sure that by the end of the term, these students will look battered and depressed.

The principal came to the stage with a rules book in his hand and a very annoyed look on his face. He opened the book and started to read the seventy rules of their school.

Each rule made the old students laugh, after all they all had violated the rules.

Jie jie turned over to xian ji who was sitting next to him. Xian ji was rather focused on the rules and his face was widened with excitement. He was really happy about high school. Ever since graduation from middle school it had been the only thing he ever mentioned. ' High school this—High school that!'

However the rules soon came to an end and all the new students were shown their classes and the school. Xian ji and jie jie were the most excited not only were they in such a humongous school but they were also happy because they were in the same class.

Once they were done with the tour they continued class as usual, listening to the boring teachers and being pounded with homework.

Xian ji had noticed a group of boys who had been staring at him all day. Apparently they were eighth graders and from their looks it was pretty easy to tell.

Xian ji and jie jie were in the cafeteria and since all the seats were taken they had no place to go.

Xian ji called out. " jie jie there are some seats next to those boys let's go there"

Jie jie turned to the direction xian ji was pointing to and like he had said there were some seats there. But jie jie wasn't willing to sit next to them. He had heard rumors of delinquents in high school, he didn't want to have anything to do with them. " There are some seats over there. Let's go there"

Xian ji wasn't willing to go, he wanted to meet those cool and tough looking boys but he accepted with no hesitation. " Fine!"

Jie jie smiled at him, xian ji was really obedient. All jie jie wanted was to protect xian ji and he saw meeting those delinquents as a threat to their friendship. 

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