Soul catcher .

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Do Jin's room was painted orange, from his bed to his bookshelf and even his clothes. All jie jie could see was orange. You could say he was addicted to the color.

Jie jie was waiting for do jin to talk about sai but do jin was currently eating.

What a glutton.

Do jin savored the taste of the red bean bun. It was delicious, he smiled.

Jie jie was annoyed. " are you done?"

Do jin stopped for a moment. He took a look at jie jie realizing he had completely forgotten jie jie was there. Well he was too immersed with the food. " Okay I am done now!" He dropped his chopsticks on his plate and sat back up.

Jie jie sighed. " are you going to tell me about sai? "

Although do jin had promised to tell jie jie, he still wanted to play a little game before telling. " Why should I tell you ?"

Annoyed jie jie stood up and grabbed do jin from the collar, he shouted. " You asked me to come here, and I didn't complain. I waited for you to finish eating and I didn't complain. And you are still asking stupid questions!.."

"..." jie jie realized he had just shouted at do jin this was the first time he had ever been so rude to someone in his life. He was normally the shy type who didn't like to associate with people or cause problems. In fact the only friend he ever had was jay. But now he just shouted at do jin.

"I—i am sorry"

Do jin watched how affected jie jie was by that little mistake, he flattered do jin.

Jie jie was mysterious and always alone and that was what made Do Jin want to know more about him. Do jin wanted to know all of jie jie's secrets including the dirty ones, he wanted a new story to tell people and jie jie was just the perfect story. Do jin reassured " I will tell you so relax"

Jie jie sat back down with his long bangs covering his face and his smile gone with a sense of insecurity.

Do Jin continued. " Sai–Sai– yes Li Huan. Li Huan nicknamed sai is a twelve year old gang leader and delinquent. He is the head of the new gang Mo Wang. The gang was founded two years ago which is why it isn't seen that much in the legendary gangs. The mo wang gang currently has fifty members with six founding members. No one is sure why the gang was founded but rumors are that the gang was founded because of the death of Sai's brother. Although the rumor does sound true, it is actually wrong. I found out that the gang was founded even before the death of Sai's brother HuaWei. From what i heard the person who killed HuaWei was the Soul Catcher"

Jie Jie was confused" Soul Catcher?"

Do jin stopped for a second to analyze the situation, how come jie jie didn't know who the soul catcher was. He asked" you don't know soul catcher"

Jie jie turned his head sideways, how was he supposed to know, he knew nothing about gangs and he wasn't friends with them. The only reason why he was interested in gangs was because of jay.

Do Jin," Soul Catcher is one of the most notorious criminals in all of China and even–what's the name of that country—yes america. No one is sure of the soul catcher's gender. People have rumored him to be a girl because of his long silver hair but others say he is a guy because of how he kills people. He is an assassin of an unknown gang. He has appeared in the news a lot of times, the killer of politicians and even gang leaders. He is the one who killed the horn gang's leader and he also killed Sai's brother. He is a demon. Swift as lightning and kills his opponents like a scorpion—waiting for the right moment and then snap. Killing them with his sting i mean gun. The police have tried various investigations to who he is and where he is from but he never leaves clues. He kills leaves and then appears in another country or state and kills again. He never stays in one place and keeps on moving. From what the police said he wears a black mask with a weird smile on it, his skin is pale and his hair is silver and shoulder length. He isn't very tall, about five feet. Always has a gun— And also a way to know the person he kills is pretty easy check the person's eyes if they are gone he killed them but if not it wasn't him"

Fear covered jie jie's eyes, how could someone be so demonic that even the police can't catch him.

Do Jin continued. " You know your friend jay. I just found out that he is part of the horn gang. I guess that means he is trying to take down two people, Soul Catcher and Sai. tch he is dead"

Jie jie was even more afraid there was no way jay would be able to take down those monsters and most of all a criminal that can't even be caught by the police.

Jie jie begged. " i—I want you to help me. Give me enough information about sai and jay. Please i don't want anything to happen to jay" tears fell down jie jie's eyes his mind was in total chaos. If he didn't find a way to stop jay. Then he might lose his only friend.

Do jin smiled, the story he had told was not a lie and it was true but he was surprised by how obedient jie jie was even to save a friend that didn't even care about him and most of all jie jie was very submissive which meant that he could overpower jie jie at anytime and jie jie wouldn't be able to do anything. Indeed jie jie was a blessing from the sky.

Do jin responded confidently. " Okay! But let's be friends jie jie"

Jie jie was quick to respond. " Okay!"

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