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Without taking chances Kousu rushed Jie Jie straight to Huang Ning. His heart was beating fast. Although he wasn't the one who was carrying Jie Jie. He kicked the door open with a bang and rushed into the dining table where his brother and his cousin were seated comfortably.

Both boys glanced at Kousu unsurprised by his sudden appearance after all he was Soul Catcher.

Kousu banged the table and shouted. " Damn fuckers! "

Huang Ning stood up from his chair and went over to Jie Jie who was now placed on the living room sofa. " He seems worse than ever. " Huang Ning examined his patient with focus and attention incase of any sudden movement.

Once Kousu knew Huang Ning was focused he kept quiet and sat humbly on the chair. He picked up a lighter and lit up his cigarette.

Mei Xuan could tell kousu wasn't alright. His bright crimson eyes had a sudden look of fear and annoyance and his hands were shaking. Mei Xuan asked. " What happened? You don't seem okay!"

Kousu didn't respond. He knew he wasn't alright but he was unwilling to make his cousin feel uneasy. " I am fine! I am just worried about how weak Jie Jie is. He can't even kill a fly "Kousu lied to himself but Mei Xuan had already placed things out and he guessed that Kousu wasn't truly alright.

Although Mei Xuan wanted to ask more, he stopped himself. Kousu had always been the type to hide when he was in trouble, he was caring but at the same time a burden to others. He never told people what he felt, he preferred to endure the pain rather than speaking up.

Huang Ning was done. " He just needs rest. And also he should stop getting into fights. "

Kousu sighed. " It's not fights that made him like that. The kid always gets bullied"

Mei Xuan adjusted his posture. He was a fan of gossip and kousu always brought the best news. " Bullied?"

Huang Ning walked over to their table and dragged a chair before taking his seat and turning over to kousu.

Kousu was willing to tell Huang Ning and Mei Xuan they were the only people he trusted and in fact the only people who helped him in times of need. He sighed before speaking up. " Same thing as me. The kid got bullied and raped 'cause he was gay. They made fun of him and used him as a slave. He couldn't say no because they had a book he wrote gay stuff in and they threatened to go tell his crush about it. From what I know he was sabotaged by a friend of his, Do Jin. Yeah Do Jin. Worst part is that I killed his best friend and i don't even remember the guys face that's what hurts the most"

The boys stared at each other before turning to look at kousu and then Jie Jie who was still unconscious on the bed. They remained silent for a while until Huang Ning broke the silence. " So he got raped. What are you planning to do?– If there is something I know about you, you always serve justice through pain."

That was true. Kousu was the type to make sure his enemies suffer either through death or witnessing the loss of something special to them. But this time it was different. Kousu was also the enemy. He was even worse than Do Jin, he was the one who brought Jie Jie into depression. All Do Jin did was control him but Kousu had killed someone Jie Jie cherished.

Mei Xuan sat up. " Two things! What do you want? Is that what the kid wants?"

Kousu turned over to Jie Jie staring at him as if waiting for a response but there was none. Kousu was lost, displaced and unsure of what role he was playing in. Was he the hero or the antagonist?.

The door creaked open and the boys turned over to the sound. It was Mei Lian. Kousu was happy to see Mei Lian. She was one person who would comfort Kousu no matter what?

When Mei Lian noticed her brothers her eyes gleamed delightedly and she walked over to them not noticing the still unconscious boy on the sofa. She said with joy. " What are you guys up to?"

Kousu, whose face was filled with fear, suddenly had a cute smile on. He answered. " We are just talking about Jie Jie " Kousu pointed to the boy on the sofa and Mei Lian immediately turned to see the boy. She was surprised by the fact that she hadn't noticed Jie Jie all along.

Mei Lian turned back to Kousu and she smiled even more.

Kousu was a little unsure of why Mei Lian looked so delighted. Although she always looked happy she was never this happy. Kousu swung his eyes around his sister checking her every detail to see if he had missed anything. He soon noticed a large teddy in Mei Lian's bag. The teddy bear was small and red, it had a love heart attached to it. Kousu was confused. " A teddy bear?"

Mei Lian chuckled even more. She picked up the teddy from her bag and held it tight. " My Fiance's gave it to me"

All the boys glared at each other, aroused, their eyebrows hung up and their faces were filled with shock and surprise. They leaped out of their chairs and shouted. " Fiance!"

Mei Lian smiled at them. What she had said was right, she had a fiance.

Mei Xuan asked with a terrified look in his eyes. " You are joking right"

" No!"

Huang Ning jumped in right after." Who? Where? Why?"

Now it was Kousu time to ask for reassurance. " Which fucking asshole is trying to fucking take me sister for a ride!"

None of the boys agreed with the term Fiance. They looked up to Mei Lian and they were all bonded. Even though they weren't siblings the last thing they wanted was to have to give up their sister to a complete stranger.

Mei Lian chuckled." Don't worry! It's not a player or a stranger, he works with me at Akkun Magazines."

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