28th January 2013

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Dear Diary

Today at school was slightly awkward. By now, everyone had heard about the episode of Tegan's disappearance so I got lots of looks for most of the day. The teachers were really kind and let me off just this once but I have double coursework tonight for tomorrow! Yes! This is quite an important year and I need to work hard and do well. Failure is not an option!

Tegan has gone to school but once she walks in the front door, she must go straight to her room and stay there until further notice. I am now starting to think that the punishment is quite harsh. But I (and Hayley and Alyssa) don't have the confidence to speak up and say "STOP!"

I found a family photo which had fallen off my poster-board. It was all of us at the beach about an hour away from here a few years back. All smiles, no tears and plenty of ice-cream! Ahhh! The good old days!

I better hop over to the coursework otherwise I will be in for the high jump!

Yours Chelsea

Chelsea's Song of the Day-Little Bad Girl by David Guetta, Taio Cruz and Ludacris

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