January 18th 2013

83 4 5

Dear Diary

Today was one of the most unexpected days ever! During school (yes, school was open) I had the feeling that someone had come to our house. Someone who I hadn't seen in ages but who? I really didn't know. My friends were a bit confused about why I wasn't talking loads.

After school, I get home and find a lady talking to Mum in the kitchen. I wondered who it was, could it be a family friend? Or just someone from passing? I honestly had no clue until Mum spotted me in the hallway.

I walked in with my Mum and the lady looks up and eyes me. Who is it? Then a moment hits me. I am 6 and I am at this funfair with a lady who takes me on all of the rides and buys me candyfloss. It is the same lady who is sitting on the sofa. Of course! Great Aunt Kaylee!

Great Aunt Kaylee was my favourite family member because she gave the best advice and yet me try on all of her make-up and jewellery. I felt so grown-up yet I was only 6 at the time!

I hugged her and sat down to share all the news and gossip of high school. I mentioned my diary and she said that she had one when I was my age. That reassured me with the fact that I wasn't the only family member to have a diary.

My sisters had no idea who Great Aunt Kaylee was! It was funny for Hayley when Kaylee produced a small parcel with Happy Birthday written on it. Of course, she was a day late!

I hope that we are going to have a happy, peaceful weekend. Do you think so?

Yours Chelsea

Chelsea's Song of the Day-Rehab by Rihanna

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