January 25th 2013

73 2 2

Dear Diary

Well, Tegan is still missing and still no news at all. Everyone is absolutely freaking out. I am so worried that something really horrible has happened. I couldn't concrete in school at all so I made some terrible mistakes whilst writing some coursework up. All of my friends are really supportive and have given me chocolate and tissues but all I want is my sister back.

The most affected in the family are Hayley and Alyssa who have stopped eating their favourite foods and just stare into space waiting and thinking. Just where is Tegan? What has happened?

And most importantly, Will she return home? Oh Chelsea, don't be so negative. I know she will return home, I know it!

Sandown Central is on at the moment. I know that music will help me to calm down.

Yours Chelsea

Chelsea's Song of the Day-Hold On by The Jonas Brothers

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