11th January 2013

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Dear Diary

Still snowing and still no school! Dad only just managed to get to work but the car was absolutely covered! Alyssa was moaning because she doesn't like the cold temperatures outside but Hayley and Tegan went out to build a snowman.

Did I ever tell you about my past? No, I don't think so.

I was born on 14th July 1997 in Sandown Hospital. It was a very hot day as my Mum gave birth to me on the right day at the right time. Hayley was born a few years later in our guest room in our mansion. She was 2 weeks early. Tegan was born 3 days late and Alyssa was born 2 months early! Yep, it was quite serious. Both of their births were also at the hospital. I was the oldest and of course I had my freedom first before my sisters. I was 8 when I got my first mobile phone, 11 for my first curfew and 13 when I got Face-book. So, I am just a normal typical teen.

I have never had a boyfriend but a few guys have asked me out and given me little presents for my birthday and Valentine's Day. How romantic! But trust me, at the moment all I want to do is to finish my courses and pass them. A boyfriend next year maybe.

But being the oldest does also have a down side. I am the first to grow up and develop into a young adult while my sisters are still happy in childhood. Sometimes, I wish I could go back to the past and relive the days which are gold to me.

I listened to music virtually all day on my laptop and also on the radio. There was no silence in my room at all not even during lunch or into the evening. I was creating some funny dance routines and learning the lyrics. Pure fun and also good skills to be an actress. So, I felt very happy.

Well Diary, nice to write in you again. See you tomorrow...What was that?! A snowman's head has just crashed into my bedroom window! Alyssa! She does that every year just to get my attention. Coming!

Yours Chelsea

Chelsea's Song of the Day-Gangnam Style by PSY (Currently taking the world by storm! And Sandown!)

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