January 7th 2013

97 3 3

Dear diary

Well, the power is back to normal... In half of the city! We are so lucky to get our power back but most shops in the city are still out. All of my sisters went back to school today. I stayed in bed listening to them leave. When the front door finally shut. I was alone in the house because both of my parents were working away. I looked out of my massive window at the sunrise. What a sight!

I kept myself occupied by sorting through some old clothes. Some things really brought back a lot of memories. I sorted out a bag to go to the charity shop in the city (well, there are 8 of them but I knew which shop was right for these clothes) I also had a shower before vacuuming downstairs in the study taking extra care not to bump into anything.

In the afternoon, I went on Face-book just to ask my friends about school tomorrow. Poor Ellen! She had to go back to school today! I also emailed some family just to update them with the latest news.

I researched Kelly Clarkson who is one of the most popular music artists in Sandown and found out that her latest single had gone to number 1 in this district! I did a dance around the room to celebrate!

Skipping on a little bit till after tea, my sisters and I watched some funny videos on YouTube laughing over the littlest things!

I'm so sorry for this short entry but I am saving my energy for school tomorrow so please don't be mad!

Yours Chelsea

Chelsea's Song of the Day-Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson (Feel that you need to break free from things? I would totally recommend this song!)

One A Day (A Teenage Girl's Fictional Diary)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें