9th January 2013

92 2 5

Dear Diary

It is going to snow!!! I think!!! The sky outside my window is greyish like slate. I am excited about the thought! Alyssa is also a fan of snow but she really doesn't like ice at all.

Let me tell you a little bit more about Sandown High. We can choose courses from a range of 70+ in total. You can change at any time in case it gets too hard. I do 6 courses which I enjoy a lot.

1st course-Introduction to Photography (With option to extend course) Romona and me do photography and we love it! Romona is very good at holding the camera. Me...I'm not sure!

2nd course-World Issues. Sara and me do this course. We talk about the different issues affecting countries.

3rd course-On Stage** A drama course which is fun and practical. We do lots of acting and work backstage.

4th course-Learning Spanish (Level 1) A beginner's course with lots of teachings about the culture and basic language.

5th course-Singing Songs! A course which teaches you how to sing lots of different songs from different genres. Lindsey did this course for a while but dropped out for an unknown reason.

6th course-Hisgeo (History and Geography together!) both subjects are great and I like the way that both subjects are involved equally.

So, that is just the courses I do. Of course there are others you can do as well. Not just these!

I have lots of coursework to do. So I have to sign off for now!

Yours Chelsea

Chelsea's Song of the Day-My Love Is Pink by Sugababes (A good song by a good girlband!)

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