January 10th 2013

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Dear Diary

It has snowed! Yes! It started at around 2AM in the early hours of this morning. I listened on Sandown Central if school would be open but all of them in the distract have been shut due to the bad weather. Travel on the roads is impossible due to lack of snow ploughs so Dad couldn't get to work. It is one week today until Hayley's birthday. But, she dosen't seem too happy about it not even after our heart to heart talk together.

Anyway, all of us except Alyssa went out in the snow. She ventured as far as the courtyard before scurrying back indoors. The weather was simply too cold. Me and Tegan had a snowball fight and one of my snowballs ended up in her boot! Her sock was wet and dripping! LOL!

For lunch was steaming hot tomato soup with hot chocolate before I got back to my coursework. There was hardly anything on the TV except repeats of the X Factor which I had watched a million billion times. I didn't want to go on the wii or Youtube so instead, I went on iTunes. iTunes is where you will catch me most of the time. I like to check out the charts and the new songs etc etc I decided to buy an EP called Remember by Misty Miller (If you haven't heard her, then I think you should check her out!)

I listened to Sandown Central where the local music chart was on and all of my favourite songs were being played for 2 and a half hours! That's why I love the radio! I checked Face-book but you know I still get the odd one of two massages.

Mum ordered a bookcase for me because I brought some new books recently and I needed the room to put them on. Dad ordered a really nice set of 50 wardrobe hangers to put all of my clothes in. I thanked them both.

It snowed some more throughout the day and yep, it is still snowing now. Maybe, there might be no school again! I do hope so!

Check back later!

Yours Chelsea

Chelsea's song of the day-Climax by Usher (REAL FACT In the UK, Climax was named best R&B song of 2012 on iTunes.)

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