January 24th 2013

67 1 0

Dear Diary

Well, today has not been a good day at all. Tegan has run away and I am worried sick. Here is the full story.

I woke up at the wrong time. I was running late which isn't a good sign. I get downstairs and there is an heated argument between Mum and Tegan going on. Hayley is moaning because she can't get the toaster to work and Alyssa is screaming because she really hates arguments. Dad had already gone to work so it was up to me to put things under control. I got Hayley's breakfast and took Alyssa to the play room to calm down. As I left the room, Mum was blocking Tegan from going upstairs to her room. It didn't matter because she produced this rucksack from behind the door and stormed out. Everyone looked at each other. Of course, I believed that Tegan had gone to school as usual.

After school, there was a police car outside the house. Clearly, Tegan had not come home and it was very upsetting. When I got in, Mum and Hayley were crying. Alyssa was up in her room and Dad was still at work. The police told me that Tegan had never showed up for school. I tried her mobile but it was switched off. All of her friends had been contacted but no one had seen her. She had just vanished into thin air.

At 10PM, there is still no news of Tegan. Everyone is just hoping that she will get in contact but so far... No luck. Please Tegan, call home.

Yours Chelsea

Chelsea's Song of the Day-Butterflies by JoJo

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