21st January 2013

76 2 0

Dear Diary

Well, today as I got into school. A massive notice was put up and a huge crowd of people were standing around it. I asked Sara who was just moving away from the notice what was on it. She was trying really hard not to cry but she just pointed at the notice. I pushed forward to have a look and realised that the school is changing and some courses are stopping! I had a look to see if my courses were affected but I was one of the lucky ones. But, they are changing the school times. So, I won't get home until 4PM!

When I told Mum and Dad that piece of news, they were not happy. I have to babysit the others when they come home from school and they finish at 3PM! I guess that there will be different arrangements from now on! :(

There was 1 good thing from day. I got an A* in my Spanish! Whoopee! Well, I do have plans to go to Spain one day so studying Spanish is really helpful! :)

Well, I have a mountain of coursework to do for tomorrow so I need to sign off.

Yours Chelsea

Chelsea's Song of the Day- I Like by Keri Hilson (I love female music artists and R&B so this song fits both boxes!)

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