27th January 2013

68 0 4

Dear Diary

Well, another day of tense and tears and just about everything else. We have not seen Tegan today at all. Clearly, the punishment she has is no communication with anyone or spending time with all of us together. She has to stay in her room all day and did so. Although, I did hear here moaning once or twice.

Hayley is growing taller and boy, she hates her new height. She has been used to being the smallest in her class and not she isn't, so it is quite a change for her.

Alyssa has been crying on and off throughout the day. She doesn't like all the tension but don't blame me for it!

I have spent half the day in my room listening to music, sorting through old books (with Hayley) and painting (with Alyssa) and the other half reading and listening to music! I tried my coursework again, but I just didn't have the heart to write anything again. I guess that I will have to fess up to my teachers tomorrow and be truthful. I hate it when I tell lies because I feel so guilty afterwards. Don't go there!

Time for bed diary! Night night!

Yours Chelsea

Chelsea's Song of the Day-Fly With Me by the Jonas Brothers

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