January 3rd 2013

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Dear diary

So, another day gone by in 2013. I swear the time is going by so fast. It is 2 weeks today until Hayley's birthday. She will finally be a teenager! I am so excited for her! The weather finally cleared up but it wasn't warm at all so no swimming outside! Yes, because our pool is heated, we swim outside in winter sometimes but at -5*C? I don't think so!

We have started to take our Christmas decorations down. Tegan protested because Dad was planning to take her Christmas drawing down in her room. So, he has allowed her to keep it up for 3 more days. Alyssa has gone down with a cold and she hates it! She didn't sleep well at all last night so for half of the day, she was asleep. Poor Alyssa!

I didn't check Face-book today at all. I was so busy with music listening. I did tell you that we as a family own lots of music. Alyssa loves Justin Bieber, Hayley loves BTR and Tegan loves Coldplay! Me, I love everything! It is too hard to pick a favourite band or singer!

I sorted through my make-up so I could find something as a present for Hayley's birthday. I found some unused pink lipgloss and a bright eyes eyeshadow set. I do hope she likes it.

I texted my friends just to see if they were ok. We are going to go shopping tomorrow (Me, Mum and Tegan) while Hayley goes to a friend's birthday party. Alyssa will be staying at home with Dad.

I start back at the high school on the 8th. There is an inset day on the 7th. All 3 of my sisters go back on the 7th, so I have an extra day off!

Well, diary... I have to go and check on Alyssa. I think she is crying over something. I don't know what. See you tomorrow!

Yours Chelsea

Chelsea's song of the day- Back Here by BBMak (Yes people, it is another 90s song!)

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