January 14th 2013

83 1 4

Dear Diary

Well, today was quite eventful. I still didn't feel 100% better but I went to school anyway. At lunch, me and my friends discussed the events for the evening. I agreed to meet them after a early homework group. Well, didn't work out like that!

Just before the end of school, I got a call from home to say they needed me to leave school early to look after Alyssa who had been send home from school after having a massive tantrum. So, I had to miss homework group and balance doing my homework and looking after Alyssa at once!

After my homework was done, Mum and Dad came home from work. Hayley and Tegan were at friends houses for the evening. I had a quick snack before getting ready to go. I changed into my black dress with black leggings and sliver hi-heels glammed up with sliver jewellery and make-up. Wow! said all of my friends as they picked me up.

Skyfall was amazing! I thought that it was the best James Bond movie ever! Skyfall was pretty good too as Adele sang so beautifully. No wonder the film is so popular!

Subs was really tasty, great meal, lots of laughter and most people from school were there including some nice guys and the new girl (Lara) great music too!

I didn't get in till 11PM 'cause all of my friends were hitting the town and I joined in too. Sorry, I am really tired so I think I will call it a day.

Yours Chelsea

Chelsea's Song of the Day-Endless by Inna (A great dance track for summer even though it is winter!)

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