January 15th 2013

79 0 0

Dear Diary

I think that I overdid it last night because I am so unwell and therefore... Off school!

I really can't write very much at the moment but I do have the power to tell you a few things. Hayley's birthday is coming up and she still isn't excited at all about it. Alyssa wants it to be her birthday instead but hers isn't until November. Tegan has asked Mum about getting her ears pierced. She is so desperate because she has spotted a pair of earrings she likes in Clare's. Just wait and see what happens!

I have the radio on quietly (Sandown Central as usual) and they are having an 80s theme day with hundreds of the best 80s songs on full blast! No wonder the radio is on!

Facebook was kinda funny cause all of my friends kept asking 'Are You OK?' And all that. I just sent one reply telling them all that I am unwell and get lost! (In a polite way!)

Sorry, Mum is just coming with some medicine now, so I am signing off for today. I really am not well at all. Sorry diary!

Yours Chelsea

Chelsea's Song of the Day-Bad by Michael Jackson (One of the best 80s songs in my opinion!)

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