January 6th 2013

97 2 5

Dear diary

It is quite late here in Sandown so I am writing in partial light. Yes, there was a massive power cut across the city! Here is what really happened told by yours truly!

So to start at 7AM the normal time that I get up in the mornings on a Saturday/Sunday. On weekdays, it is normally 6AM. Anyway...I get up and notice a faint burning smell coming from downstairs. Putting my dressing gown on, I went down to the kitchen and found that Alyssa was messing around with the toaster trying to get herself breakfast. I told her to stop what she was doing. I had to virtually pull her away from the toaster. Mum and Dad burst in. Clearly, they were not happy being disturbed like this. I tried to clear up the damage as Mum and Dad took Alyssa back upstairs to her room. Hayley came out from the games room which was next door and Tegan came from the library. I hadn't heard them at all so I pretended that they were spys in training!

Later that morning, I sat out on the balcony on my headphones listening to Conor Maynard's new song which I had downloaded the pevous day. I closed my eyes and clicked my fingers in time to the song as Mum burst in and tapped me on the shoulder. She asked me to babysit Hayley and Tegan while they were taking Alyssa to the docters to see if she was ill or anything serious. I took my headphones off and went downstairs to the games room where they were laughing at a funny game of table tennis. I joined in laughing with them.

At lunch, Mum and Dad came back with Alyssa who clearly had been crying and was very red and flustered. The doctor could find nothing wrong with her, so her moods were clearly a mystery. As we sat down, the news came up on the HD TV...Bad news! The power was down in half of the city! We all quickly finished our lunches before checking around the house just to make sure all was well. I quickly checked Face-book and talked to them. As the day turned to night, suddenly the lights went out. The TV downstairs stopped talking. The music in Tegan's room stopped and Hayley and Alyssa ran into my room very scared about the whole thing.

For dinner, well... It was leftovers from a few days ago. Alyssa refused to eat anything. I had to admit I was shaking as hard as the others. There hasn't been a powercut in Sandown for as long as anyone could remember. The heating was also down so everyone wrapped up warm in any spare clothes they could find. I was wearing 3 jackets and 2 pairs of socks! Now at 10PM, the lights and power are still out, the others can't sleep even though they have school tomorrow (I have another day off) So I could stay up as long as I wanted too. But I decided to go to sleep and quickly write the day's events down. Lights out but no celebrations!

Yours Chelsea

Chelsea's Song of the Day- Heartburn by N.L.T (From Bratz, the Movie Soundtrack)

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