January 5th 2013

139 4 4

Dear diary

Well, lots to say about the house today! The decorations are still coming down and Tegan got into a bad mood after Alyssa came into her room and started to move things around without asking! I had to carry Alyssa back into her room. Gosh, she was screaming saying that Tegan and Hayley and me got more treats then her. But Alyssa doesn't understand that we give her treats as well.

Dad worked most of the day in his study and all of us were told not to disturb him. I took matters into my own hands by asking the others to come to the treehouse (AKA the den) for a girls meeting. I told them that Mum and Dad have been working extra hard recently and that we should surprise them with a meal. Hayley and Tegan seemed to be ok with the idea but Alyssa hid under a beanbag refusing to get involved. I left her with the beanbag in the den and took Hayley to the balcony in my room. Tegan had gone for a walk in our large grounds. Alyssa was talking to herself. (If you have only joined this diary now, then go back to my first entry to find out what problems Alyssa has)

Me and Hayley talked about what it means to be a teenager. I said that at 13 you could have more freedom, more pocket money, Face-book etc etc. Hayley looked up at me and I could tell that she was scared about growing up. Everyone in this world has to deal with the fact that they are growing up. And that there is no turning back the clock. I hugged Hayley and told her how proud I was to be a big sister to her. She was crying because I was being so kind. Mum came in, and she said that she overheard everything. She too joined in the hug.

Dad yelled up to us. Alyssa was nowhere to be seen and nor was Tegan. After we went outside, I spotted Tegan by our big pond with a nice bridge over the top. She was dangling her feet in the water and looked surprised to see me. I asked her where Alyssa was. She shook her head. Clearly, she didn't know just as the rest of us.

A few minutes later, there was a shout from Hayley. I looked up and saw Alyssa up a tree crying. How she got up there I have no idea. Dad climbed up to rescue her and bring her back down to Mum. Mum took her inside because she had cuts on her hands. The rest of us looked at each other in disbelief. Alyssa hates heights so why was she up there?

After the incident, I went back to my room and checked Face-book. No massages surprising me completely then I realised that all of my massages were in a different folder! Whoops! Nice to hear from family and friends again. I then had a shower before painting my toe nails with my new nail polish called Blue Moon by Barry M. I listened to some Ed Sheeran before joining my family for tea.

After tea, Hayley raining with her favourite film called Bratz the Movie and told me she wanted to watch it in my room because her TV had broke. I let her and she fell asleep halfway during it. Clearly, it was getting quite late so just before the end, I switched the film off and called Mum to take Hayley back to her room.

I am getting quite tired myself. So I think I will end my writing for today. What will happen tomorrow?

Yours Chelsea

Chelsea's Song of the Day-Rainy Day by Janel Parrish (From Bratz the Movie Soundtrack)

One A Day (A Teenage Girl's Fictional Diary)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن