23rd January 2013

62 1 4

Dear Diary

All of us have our eyes on the weather forecast because more snow might be on the way! Alyssa and Hayley are just fed up of this snow. All they want is the sun to shine. I don't blame them because I totally agree.

Let me tell you a little story about Sandown. I call this 'The City of Dreams' OK, it was an essay I had to write a few years ago but here it is.

Describe the city of Sandown (16 Marks)

Sandown is an developed city located in the south about 1 hour from the sea. The average population is 1.2 million with most living in the centre due to new housing developments. Sandown at night is stunning. If you live on one of the surrounding hills, the skyline would make a great picture for a frame. Sandown has facilities for all ages with lots of shops and a huge cinema with lots of blockbusters showing. The city is full of dreams and would make it an ideal place for families to live. The climate is quite warm but snow is not uncommon in winter. The schools are great for education. There is a special school for children who need extra care. There is a basketball centre, football stadium and a tennis court for those who love sport. Most homes are equipped with a working water system and central heating so no need to fork out lots of money to get these!

(Well, I wrote another 2 sides but they aren't very interesting to include because it is just all numbers and business facts. I got full marks!)

So, can you picture Sandown now? Because before, I don't think anyone knew what Sandown is like.

Yours Chelsea

Chelsea's Song of the Day- Your Body by Christina Aguilera

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