12th January 2013

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Dear Diary

The snow has stopped... But it is still freezing cold out and the ice is playing up really badly! No wonder none of us went outside today! The sky still looks like slate but I don't think it is going to snow for longer then half a day.

Hayley just sat in her room all day, not bothering to come down for lunch or dinner. Again, I think she is just nervous about her birthday. Tegan was so energetic and running around the house like a bird who had just been let out of a cage. Alyssa didn't like the noise that Tegan was making and she sulked in her room also.

Me...Well I was half full of energy and half full of laziness so kind of like a see-saw don't you think? I also stayed in my room but I did play with Tegan for a while on the Wii. Both of us were laughing so much that I bumped down into the sofa still giggling! That hurt and I couldn't help myself!

Mum and Dad kept checking on us and just couldn't get Hayley or Alyssa to budge from their rooms. I tried but neither of them listened to me. I have this pink box under my bed where all of my secret things are kept such as old letters and photos. I had a look through them and a few tears started to flow. Some people in those photos aren't with us anymore. I think of them a lot.

I listened to lots of music and sang along but I really wasn't in the mood. I guess being 15 can surprise not only others but yourself too. You have to deal with the facts of life (I won't go into too much detail) and you get these really odd moods. I have never ever gone a day where I have been 100% happy. But not 0% either.

Alyssa is calling me so I need to go now! Bye!

Yours Chelsea

Chelsea's Song of the Day-Diamonds by Rihanna

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