January 13th 2013

79 1 2

Dear Diary

The snowing has stopped and most of the roads around the city are back to normal meaning that it is extremely likely that school will be on tomorrow. Groan... Yep, I did fancy another day off!

Hayley and Alyssa are moving around again which is good news for the rest of us however they still refuse to do some things such as watch TV or go online for a while. Tegan did some painting and got completely covered in purple paint! New trend alert! Get covered in paint! Ok, maybe not then...

Texted my friends, checked Face-book, watched some music videos on Youtube, played with Alyssa and getting covered in paint was what I did today! Oh, by the way I didn't tell you this but 3 days ago, I got a letter to say I had won a runner's up prize in a competition! A $30 voucher for Topshop! That is luck because I had never won anything before.

I am going to the cinema with some friends tomorrow before going to a meal at our favourite hangout called Subs. Subs is awesome! The food is tasty and they play some great songs! We are going to see Skyfall! It has been talked about a lot at school so a huge crowd are going to go and see it! I wonder who I will bump into?

Sorry the entry is so short, the thing is... I haven't been well today. (You know... I don't want to go into details) just painful...

Mum has been really helpful in checking on me and getting supplies. Trust me! I will be back to normal tomorrow! (I think)

Yours Chelsea

Chelsea's Song of the Day-Don't Wake Me Up by Chris Brown (Yes, I want to sleep!!!)

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