January 16th 2013

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Dear Diary

It has been snowing again! I was back at school but for only half the day! Because most students come from a long way across town, the roads again were being a problem so early closure was in force. My sisters came home at normal time and Mum... Well, she was quite annoyed when I came home early because I had promised to call her if school was closing and I forgot! Whoops!

Hayley and Alyssa have been out in the snow and Tegan is in hot water as she has called our aunt to take her into Clare's and get her ears pierced and Mum wasn't told. Luckily, the next time our aunt is available is the weekend so Mum could intervene and stop the whole thing altogether. One unsatisfied person here!

I am feeling better now but still not up to full strength. Hayley's birthday is tomorrow and it looks like we might be snowed in! It has happened before 3 years back but the conditions were a lot treacherous then. Blizzards and cold winds! Yep, not nice!

I am just going to wrap up Hayley's presents now. So, see you tomorrow!

Yours Chelsea

Chelsea's Song of the Day-Better Than Today by Kylie Minogue (A great song to get you going!)

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