January 2nd 2013

203 7 4

Dear diary

Well, I did remember to write again! The weather outside is horrible and wet! No wonder I am staying indoors. Today was full of activities such as painting with Alyssa who doesn't mind getting covered in paint!

Mum was quite busy today with work, so we didn't disturb her. Dad went to the bank so that left me in charge of the others. Hayley was in her room on the computer for most of the day hanging out on YouTube. Tegan was on the Nintendo Wii trying out her new game she got for Christmas. Alyssa and me were painting some animals although she doesn't really understand how to paint animals. But don't blame her because she has a disability.

When Mum and Dad finished work for the day, they let me have some private time in my room. I checked Face-book just to look at new massages. Ellen asked about Alyssa so I uploaded a picture she managed to do herself. She liked it!

I texted my friends just to check on them. I think everyone was ok. I put up a poster of Cher Lloyd in my room before I treated myself to a bubble bath just to round off the day.

Alyssa walked into my room just now and gave me a big hug! I love Alyssa so much because she does try hard at things.

I need to go and play with Tegan now because she has asked me to try out her new game. See you later!

Yours Chelsea

Chelsea's song of the day- Bills, Bills, Bills Destiny's Child (Yep, I am travelling back to the 90s!)

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