January 20th 2013

69 1 0

Dear Diary

After yesterday, I am still really tired out. Hayley just adores her new room now but Tegan is still really jealous. Just wait until your birthday Tegan! It might just happen to you! Here is a list of things I did today. (Sorry, I have started an obsession of writing lists!)


Made breakfast for Mum and Dad

Vacuumed Lounge and Study

Played Just Dance with Hayley and Alyssa

Went on Face-book to check massages

Called Lindsey to see if things were ok

Helped prepare lunch


Had a 'Girls Chat' with Tegan

Went on YouTube to watch music videos

Checked music chart

Had a shower

Took photos of Hayley's new room

Washed Alyssa's hair (She can't do it very well)

Polished Mum's China (Very carefully!)

Helped prepare dinner and serve


Checked Face-book... Again!

Get ready for bed

Sat down to write in my diary

Sorry if this list is too boring but the thing is. It is does describe quite well about the type of person I am. Helpful, hardworking and a good listener.

15 year olds prefer hanging out with mates and not donate things to charity. But the thing is, I believe that everyone in the world is good at heart but some just don't know it.

Got a long day tomorrow, so I'm signing off.

Yours Chelsea

Chelsea's Song of the Day- Waiting For Tonight by Jennifer Lopez (AKA JLO for short)

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