One A Day (A Teenage Girl's Fictional Diary)

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  • Dedicated to To my best friend who passed away 2 years ago

January 1st 2013

Well, the start of a new year. The neighbourhood was so crowded outside just to see the firework display. I sat on the balcony outside my room and admired the lights and the different colours. My name is Chelsea Moore and I am 15. Being 15 is a good thing. For starters, you have a curfew and you get face-book etc etc. I live in Sandown. Sandown is a really nice place. There is lots of shops and cafes to see and explore. Plus, all of my friends live in the city so I often bump into them.

I live with both of my parents in a huge mansion on one of the 5 hills surrounding Sandown. This neighbourhood is full of mansions and pretty houses. My Dad called Hugh works for a bank and he gets lots of money. My mother is called Dawn and we are really close. She gives me lots of advice about what to wear and where to go and visit etc etc. I am the oldest child out of 4. I have 3 younger sisters called Hayley, Tegan and Alyssa. Hayley is 12 and she loves swimming. She swims indoors in the winter and outside in the summer. Me, I don't do swimming. I prefer tennis or horse riding. Tegan is 10 and she is determined to be a hairdresser. Yes, she does work wonders with my hair sometimes! My 3rd sister and the youngest Alyssa is 7. Alyssa has a disability called Asyperger's syndrome. That means that she likes to stick to certain routines and hates trying lots of new things at once. She hates shopping but her favourite thing to do is go to Sandown Summer Fair which opens on her birthday. She is used to going for the last 4 years. Alyssa also has speech therapy classes because she can't communicate very well with strangers. So, she needs all the help she can get. I help her everyday and play Just Dance with her.

My bedroom has to be my favourite place in the whole world. I love to relax in my room particularly when the weather is nice, I lie out on the deckchair on my own balcony. It looks down over the tennis court and the pool. I have my own en-suite and a small walk-in closet as well. You might be thinking 'Wow! This girl is filthy rich and dosen't like helping charities' Well, you are wrong. My family love raising money for good causes. I raised $4,000 last year on my own for a sponsored 24 hour horse ride. I go to Sandown High in the city. I have to catch the school bus. Hayley goes to middle school and she is taken there by Dad on the way to his work. Tegan only has to do a 2 minute walk before arriving at the Elementary and Alyssa goes to a special school. Mum drives her there in the car.

I have 4 really close friends called Sara, Megan, Lindsey and Romona. All of them go to the same high school as me, so that is no problem at all. Sara loves Harry Potter, Megan is addicted to shopping, Lindsey loves tennis and Romona is a huge fan of music. Romona plays the flute, the acoustic guitar and the Keyboard. I am so surprised that she hasn't mixed the instruments up yet! I have a face-book account which I check twice a day. I have a long distance friend called Ellen. She adores Alyssa and often asks about her. My curfew is 1AM most of the time but at other times, it is Midnight. I feel so lucky to have these times.

I love performing arts so much! I am going to follow in my cousin's friend footsteps and be in the movie industry. I can't wait! What else do I like? Well, music for starters. I have a massive crush on 1D! I have 4 huge posters of them in my room. I am also a huge fan of BTR (Big Time Rush) and someone called Cher Lloyd from the UK. I go to the cinema quite often with friends. Most of the time, the films are pretty good but other times, it is pretty boring! I love having pool parties in the summer. Alyssa was brave enough to join in on a pool party but not for very long. I also am a huge fan of animals particularly dogs and horses! Hayley dosen't like dogs and every time I try to talk to her about them, she just turns away and dosen't listen. I don't like very posh food nor do my sisters either. So, our meals are normal rather then OTT! I got this diary for Christmas.

This is in all honesty but I have never kept a diary before. So, this is kind of brand new for me. I am going to write in everyday just like my Uncle asked me too (He gave me the diary) So, as I look out over the sunset in Sandown. I start thinking about the weeks ahead. What will 2013 bring for me? Well, we are just going to have to wait and see!

Yours Chelsea

p.s I always pick a song of the day. I own hundreds of CDs and so do my parents. So quite often, it is hard to choose. But I have made up my mind on the 1st song of 2013.

Admit It-Esmee Denters (I just love Esmee Denters and so does Tegan!)

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