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"I don't want that thing....I don't want that thing...God please help..." Amira repeatedly whispered to herself as the line infront of her got shorter and shorter. 

Soon enough the man infront of her moved and she was next in line. Amira almost got ready to accept her fate but just as she was about to be called, they were interrupted by an announcement.

"Who is Vajra?" asked one of the men.

"Uh..me," said Amira hesitatly.

"Rajare wants to see you, follow me," said the man.

Everyone looked at Amira worried. "I told you dammit," Sebastian sadly whispered to her and Amira nervously followed the man.


"I don't get it," said Salaar. They were outside the publishers and have been trying to solve the riddle for the past two hours. "Why can't Rocky bhai just give us the location," he said frustrated and walked back and forth thinking.

Haseena noticed the footsteps when a sudden idea struck her.

"I got it," she exclaimed. Salaar and his men shifted their attention to her.

"The memories are the footprints," said Haseena, "The waves wash away the footprints and take them deep into the sea. That's what he meant by my tears wash away your memories and bury it deep into my heart."

"He was referring to the sea shore," completed Salaar. "Haseena, you are a genius," he said and excitedly hugged her but immediately retreated.

Salaar's men were shocked for they saw a few things they never thought they would see in their entire life. Salaar praising someone other than Rocky bhai, Salaar hugging someone and Salaar being excited and smiling like a little child. 

"Sorry...I got uh...shouldn't have done that," he said awkwardly taking a step back.

Salaar apologizing to someone other than Amira and Salaar being awkward? That's 5!

Haseena was taken aback too and it took her a little while to come back to senses.

"Uh...yeah....that's okay....I would hug you too if I am excited..." she awkwardly said. "No no....what I meant is....uh..." "Let's just go," she said unable to frame her sentence.

Haseena struggling to speak infront of Salaar? That's one more thing no one saw coming! 


Vajra steped into Rajmanaar's room scared that maybe she was caught but to her surprise that didn't happen.

"Vajra right?" asked Rajmanaar and Amira nodded, "looking from up here, I expected you to be old. How old are you?"

"16," Amira replied. "....Rajare," she quickly added to be respectfully although she isn't completely aware of the meaning.

"16?" said Rajmanaar surprised, "Looks like your parents really hate you, kid."

"I think so too," said Amira sadly. Meeramma who was in the same room couldn't help but feel sorry.

"Why didn't you pray to Rocky like the rest?" asked Rajmanaar pretending to be serious, "Why was your head the only one that didn't bow down?"

Amira knew that if Rajkesh hates Rocky, Rajmanaar hates him too and mabe she could use this chance to play his ego and get on his good side.

"Because I read about him and I don't consider him to be a god, Rajare," said Amira, "He is a greedy man who died trying to save the gold that he stole."

Perhaps it was her hatred for her father but Amira's words sounded very genuine.Rajmanaar was impressed. For the first time in years, someone! Finally someone who doesn't worship Rocky and sees him the way he sees him and that immediately put Amira on his good side.

"Where do you work?" he asked, "Mining or transport?"

"Hasn't been decided, Rajare," answered Amira.

"Swap her with one of our servants," Rajmanaar told his men, "I'd love to be served food by hands that do not pray to that bastard."


"Where do we go now?" said Haseena. They were at the sea shore and just as Rocky said the waves were touching their feet.

"Your mother will lead the way," read Sandeep, "Surely that means something, didi."

"Reena is Amira's mother's name," said Salaar. "and in Kannada it means Gem," he said pointing to a building by the same name far away.

"That's a club," said Haseena surprised, "Why would Rocky want his daughter to go there."

"Rocky bhai," corrected Salaar, "and I have no idea."

A little later

"Sorry guys, dress code," the guy stopped them infront of the club.

"Can you please make an exception because..." Haseena tried to negotiate but Salaar and his men already pulled out their guns to threaten. "....Never mind.." Haseena rolled her eyes and the body guard gave them the way.

However this also alerted the people around and someone screamed  "Guns". Soon enough everyone is running around like chickens while Salaar's gang walked in, also getting mixed with the crowd.

"You do realize that you have a police ID, right?" said Haseena frustrated, "We could've used it to get in without being noticed."

"What's wrong with being noticed?" asked Salaar.

"I don't know smartpants," said Haseena sarcastically, "What if the guy who is meant to help us now also freaks out and runs away."

"Rocky bhai is not stupid," said Salaar, "He would never give such huge responsibility to cowards."

As Salaar finished the sentence, a  young guy knocked into Haseena and the box she got from the publishing house fell down.

 "Sorry..I.." the man paused upon looking at the box. "Uh....did the gold digger guy send you?" he asked scratching his head.

"For heaven sake, it's Rocky bhai," screamed Salaar frustrated.

"Okay dude...calm down," said the guy . "Wait...he said looking around....you guys have guns?" he asked before fainting out of fear.

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