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Just some random explanations and theories.

Note that they are open to further interpretation or even disagreements :)

Golden Dream - Why the journey matters?

Have you ever wondered why Rocky created a very painful journey for Amira to reach the gold instead of just giving her access to the map in the first place, given that even if it reaches the wrong person, they would need Amira to open it.

It's because sometimes the journey matters! Rocky didn't just create a treasure hunt, instead chose to depict aspects of his life through the journey. In the first instance, we meet Tarun, a man from the mines who's been through a lot and who would explicitly state that he's been through so much trauma that he became almost stoic and fearless. This is to depict the horrible conditions of KGF and what people went through for the gold.

In the second stage, we meet Pablo, a laid back guy who is so oblivious and previleged that he doesn't even know what would get him into trouble. This is completely opposite to Tarun and also a parallel to what Rocky thought Amira would experience while she is with Salaar. It is also seen in the intial chapters that Amira gets away with almost anything while she was with Salaar.

The third stage, is in the oldage home that Rocky built to honor Fatima. This works as both a reminder of the importance of family and is also a direct parallel to the love Rocky has of his own mother that is represented by Salaar's love for his mother.

The next stage is in the cave, where despite reaching so close to the gold, Rocky insists on waiting for a day and the path to gold is filled with darkness and dirt. This is show how sometimes patience is necessary and that the path to success is not always pretty.

Although Amira didn't necessarily take the journey Rocky intended to, she ended up going through similar experiences that shaped her into a better and more responsible person who used her powers for the greater good.

Salaar, Rudra, and Farmaan - What do they mean?

Throughout the book I've referred to Salaar using different names based on the context and situations. Salaar's behavior also changes based on the name he identifies with which is in a  way similar to how we change behaviours between family and friends. 

Farmaan is extremely loyal, loves maths and thinks about other people's feelings. This version is more prominent when Amira is around, where he even lies about being in love just to make her happy. Salaar, however is always stoic, ruthless, and doesn't take any emotions in consideration like when he killed Pranav and Rajkesh withought giving it a moment's thought. Rudra is calmer, more vulnerable, and actively tries to not get too violent. He is also sarcastic and funny. 

Having grown up in brutal circumstances and the need for growth made Salaar create different versions of himself that he thought were appropriate. Rudra is everything that Salaar intends to be but couldn't due to his position in the Mafia. When Vikram died, the only person who's seen that version of Salaar died and Salaar thought he could never be that 'fun' version again. So he explicitly states that Rudra is dead. 

However, as days passed by, he gets closer to Haseena and realizes that he still has people that he could have friendly banters and fun with. People he is comfortable being challenged by. Hence by the end, he choose to officially remain as Rudra.

Haseena's revenge - Why not sooner?

At the end Rajkesh reveals that Haseena killed her uncle for the abuse he has caused but why didn't she do it sooner? Clearly she is capable as seen by how she killed someone to protect Amira in the exam hall. 

I've based this on a real life incident where a victim of abuse decided to not name the abuser as a part of herself felt that she was at fault. Sometimes when a person is nice to everyone else and abuses just one family member, the victim might feel that she is the one who 'provoked' by dressing inappropriately, laughing too loud, or even just being pretty.

Haseena is obviously a very mature and sensible person. However sometimes even the smartest minds can be manipulated and having seen her chachaji as this noble and honourable man who treated Amira like his own daughter, a part of Haseena felt that maybe it was her fault. Hence she didn't kill her uncle and even remained fearful and submissive when she met him after years.

However when Salaar offered his perspective, she realized that it wasn't her fault. It never was and despite all the 'good' things he might've done, her chachaji deserves to be punished for his sins. I am not sure how good, I was at potraying this situation in the book but just wanted to remind all the fellow young girls that it was never your fault :)

Rocky and Rajkesh - Why are they similar?

Rajkesh is one of those characters who isn't completely evil and in a very strange way even share some parallels with Rocky. They both love their wives, are after gold, and are solely focussed on their mission.

Like Rajkesh didn't care about revenge or killing Amira, he just wanted gold and every murder he did was only to get him closer to wealth. Who knows he might even have a compelling backstory. However what makes Rocky a hero and Rajkesha villian is where they draw a line.

In KGF, Rocky is ruthless, true, but sometimes he genuinely cared about people that he is not related it the old women with the bread, the blind man, or the little baby. Rajkesh is a very good husband but he only cared about Meeramma, yet some of us, rightfully, still felt sorry for his death.

Perhaps if he was written slightly differently as in instead of killing Raj, forces him to call Amira and make her think that Salaar is a bad person after which the story continues the way it is and if we add a few scenes where he is the one who saved Amira from the tatoo, where he genuienly feels bad for scaring her, feels happy when she calls him uncle or even have a heartfelt conversation about Meeramma with her.....maybe his death would've been more tragic....and dare I say as tragic as Rocky's death....

What are your thoughts?

The prophecy - How Rajmanaar invited his own downfall?

In Harry Potter there is a theory that Voldemort would've been alive had he not tried to kill Harry. Even in our mythology, I sometimes wonder, hypothetically, maybe Narakasura would've been alive if he didn't stress so much about the prophecy.

Similarly Rajmanaar could've ignored the prophecy as suggested by his brother and he would've been alive. Salaar is not interested in KGF or gold. So he wouldn't have gone anywhere near him if he didn't send Rajkesh to Mumbai.

Even after Rajkesh brought Amira to KGF it was Rajmanaar's ego that gave her the chance to make the phone call which caused his ultimate downfall and he died just like Garuda, without even knowing why he was killed.

As the philosophy of taoism states, which I don't think is applicable in all situations by the way, the way forward is to let life progress without interferring with it's flow. Maybe certain things are better off left alone!

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