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Haseena rubbed her eyes and opened the door to find Sandeep standing outside all ready.

"Morning didi, what time are we leaving for the mosque?" he asked.

"Don't worry about it there's time," said Haseena opening the door, "Come in!"

"He's still sleeping?" said Sandeep when he noticed Salaar, "Shouldn't we wake him up?"

"Let him sleep for a little while," said Haseena. "Look at him sleeping with his hands below his chin like a little baby," she smiled, "How cute!"

"I've only closed my eyes Ms. Khasim," Salaar said in his sleepy voice surprising Haseena, "Not my ears."

"I was referring to the sparrow outside the window, Mr Quereshi," said Haseena, "Not everything is about you."

"There's sparrows with arms too," said Salaar as he got up a little to look through the window, "I thought you are the only crazy thing this place has to offer."

"Stop joking and get ready," said Haseena throwing a pillow at Salaar, "Some of us have places to be."

"Section 353, assaulting an officer on duty," said Salaar as he walked towards Haseena, "Remind me to file that case once I find Amira and need to think of ways to get rid of you."

"Section 268, public nuisance. Remind me to file that case when I need to get rid of you," countered Haseena.

"Absolutely love the part where you both consider yourselves to be law abiding citizens," said Sandeep sarcastically and they both angrily looked at him at the same time.

"I'll wait downstairs," said Sandeep and gracefully escaped the conflict.


"No not this," Amira overheard Meeramma telling her helper who was showing the mehendi designs in an old design book, "I want to try the arabic one."

"Meeramma I don't know what that is," said the helper.

"I do," said Amira.

"You do?" asked Meeramma excitedly, "Can you do it for me?"

"Of course," said Amira taking the cone. "So we start from...." she said moving Meeramma bangles to expose the wrist but stopepd when she saw the tattoo of slavery.

"You...worked in the mines before?" she asked.

"Before marriage," said Meeramma.

"They say you are Reena's sister," said Amira, "Is it because of that."

Meeramma nodded. "Rocky's aquaintances weren't treated kindly," she said.

"Marrying into this family....was it strange?" asked Amira.

"I wasn't given a choice," said Meeramma, "Re liked me, he married me. But then I realized that he really loves me and respects me....so I loved him back."

"So who's side are you now?" Amira asked, "What if, hypothetically, Rocky returns?"

"Even Mandara wanted Ravana to win," said Meeramma as Amira noticed the other helper standing up.....Rajkesh just arrived!

"For me to be Ravana, my opponent must be Rama, Akkare," smiled Rajkesh as he signalled the other girl to leave. He took a cone, sat on a chair beside Amira and took Meeramma's hand.

"Who the fuck told you about my wife being your aunt?" he asked in a very normal voice but in Hindi so that Meeramma wouldn't understand. Amira stopped her design and looked at him scared.

"Drop that look princess," he said 'politely', "Smile and speak calmly."

"She said it herself," lied Amira.

"And how dumb do you think I am?" asked Rajkesh.

"You can ask her if want," said Amira, "but then....if she asks why I shouldn't know....what shall we tell her." "I'll go with whatever, you say," she added, "I am just a kid trying to survive."

Rajkesh remained silent.

"Ree, what are you both talking about?" asked Meeramma.

"Nothing Akkare," smiled Rajkesh, "Just asking her if she would teach me the Arabic design so that I can do it right."


"I finished asking the people over there and....Why are you just standing here?" Haseena asked Salaar.

"I put Raheem to work," said Salaar.

"How can Raheem...."

"He is a part of the social service community here," interrupted Salaar, "He has a list of names."

"Then take the list and go yourself," said Haseena, "Raheem tends to...."

"Jijaaji we have five Amjad Khan's in the mosque and here they are," said Raheem interrupting a conversation.

"See, some of us still remember that we have brains and use them quite often," Salaar whispered to Haseena and she rolled her eyes.

"Why are we here?" asked one of the five men.

"Cause you are all arrested," said Raheem.

"What? No!" said Salaar.

"Why?" asked one of the men.

"Cause officer Rudra said so," said Raheem.

"What the hell?" said one of the men. "Do you have a warrant?" said the other. One of them tried to run away but was stopped by Sandeep.

"Great job using your brains," said Haseena. "Relax everyone," she said out loud, "No one's getting arrested. My name is Haseena Khasim and I just have a few questions if you don't mind."

"You Khasim's daughter?" said one of the old men, "You've grown so much, kid!"


"You wanted to see me?" asked Amira.

"Yeah go stand there," said Rajkesh pointing towards a white wall while adjusting his tie. "Cheers," he said and took a photo.

"What was that for?" asked Amira.

"To put and end to your sister's torture for proof of your existance," he said, "I don't need her constant bickering while I am spending time with my wife. What color saree is your aunt wearing?"

"Who...oh right Meeramma....some shade of red," answered Amira.

"Does it match with mine?" asked Rajkesh.

"Yeah more or less," answered Amira.

"Good," said Rajkesh picking up his bags, "I'll be back in 3 days and like you said, you are a kid trying to survive. Do just that. No fishy business."

"No, ofcourse not," said Amira, "I'll be careful." "Bye uncle," she said pushing her luck a little.

Rajkesh looked at her angrily. "Sorry," said Amira. 

"Don't ever call me that," warned Rajkesh and walked away.

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