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"Hall ticket and ID proof," said Salaar and gave Amira the papers, "Did you get your water bottle?"

"Yes, it's with me," said Haseena as she walked towards them, "I also packed some snacks since it's a long journey."

"You are not coming with us," said Salaar taking the bag from her hand.

"What? why?" asked Haseena confused.

"It's too risky," lied Salaar.

"Jijaaji....I'll feel more at ease if Appi is with us," said Amira.

"Me, Sandeep, Albert, and Einstein...we are all with you Amira," said Salaar calmly, "You'll be fine."

"But if Appi is also with us..."

"Appi is not the one writing the exam, right?" interrupted Salaar.


"Stop it, Amira," said Salaar slightly raising his voice and Albert stepped infront of Amira as if challenging Salaar and Einstein pulled Amira back. "Either we are going without Haseena or we are not going. Decide for yourself, " Salaar continued anyway. Amira remained silent. Einstein assured her and walked her to the car. Albert snatched the bag from Salaar's hand and followed Amira and his brother.

"Don't you dare follow us," Salaar warned Haseena and left.

"Why is he acting weird?" Haseena asked Sandeep.

"It's weird if he listens to you," joked Sandeep, "How is this weird?"

"Not with me," said Haseena, "He never says no to anything Amira asks, let alone raise his voice." "Something is off, I can sense it," she added, "What's going on?"

"Nothing didi," lied Sandeep.

"Don't lie to me," warned Haseena.

"Didi,  I don't tell your plans to Salaar," said Sandeep, "and I can't tell his plans to you. Please don't force me to forgo my ethics."

*** 7 hours later ***

Albert and Einstein hyped Amira up in their sign language before sending her off. Amira looked at Salaar one last time before going in.

Salaar waved and showed a thumbs up signalling all the best while checking his phone.

"Yes Vikram?" he asked after receving the call.

"Rudra I think Rajkesh double crossed us," said Vikram, "His men are on their way to the exam center, currently in Gandhi Nagar."

"I knew it," said Salaar in frustration. "Sandeep, Rajkesh's men are in Gandhi Nagar," he said.

"Got it, let's go guys," said Sandeep and gathered the rest of the men. "Do you need anyone here?" he asked Salaar.

"No, I am good," said Salaar and all the cars zoomed past the exam center. 

"Keep me updated, Vikram," said Salaar and ended the call when he noticed Amira's watch still in the car. 

"Amira...." Salaar signed in frustration and took the watch and entered the exam center. He searched for Amira amongst the crowd and eventually found her in corner nervously looking around.

"Thank god," he said to himself and was about to approach her when her face lit up with joy. A guy around her age waved at her and she went and hugged him.

Salaar stopped in his feet. Angry. Shocked. Surprised!

"Where have you been?" said Raj, "I missed you so much!"

"Long story," said Amira, "Actually..." she paused when she noticed Salaar staring at them from a distance.

"Who is he?" asked Raj.

SALAAR- The devil's promise (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now