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"Amira, beta you are very talented," consoled Haseena, "Don't give up so easily." Amira continued to cry and Haseena angrily looked towards Salaar.

Salaar slowly walked towards them and sat down on the other side of Amira. "Sorry," he said after hesitating for a while.

"You don't have to apologize jijaji," said Amira still sobbing, "I am not sad because of what you sad, I am scared about the possibility of it being true."

"It is true," stated Salaar and Haseena looked at him totally annoyed.

"From what I've observed, you are not totally devoted while practicing," explained Salaar, "You have a lot of thoughts running in the background....fear of failure, anticipation of success, your sister's sudden marriage news etc etc." "They formed a wall around you," he added, "Limiting your true potential and you don't even know what you are capable of."

"How do I know my true potential?" asked Amira.

"There is a concept called the state of flow," said Salaar, "It's a state of mind where a person thinks of nothing but the task at hand and by nothing I mean absolutely nothing. No distractions, emotions, fears, or anticipations. Everything else becomes invisible and non existant. Time slows down. The brain reaches it's peak stage of focus and concentration. New ideas pop up. Your brain instantly thinks of different possible solutions. It feels calm, peaceful, and almost divine and once you finish the test, you feel the satisfaction of doing something meaningful instead of the anxiety for the results."

Amira listened very carefully. "Is that really possible, jijaaji?" she asked.

Salaar smiled. "Try to start with no distractions and build your way up," he said, "It takes time and patience but with enough practice, you'll surely get there."

*** Elsewhere ***

"Sir, look at this," said one of Rajkesh's men, "Jhonny, a street goon was murdered by Salaar recently." "Interstingly enough," he added, "He used to love a 16 year old girl called Amira. A few days later his younger brother and several of his men died, all killed by Salaar. They had no disputes with him and so that means......."

"Salaar killed them for the girl. He is the white knight," said Rajkesh. "Salaar is the white knight ," he emphasized again in fear cause Salaar's reputation is not unknown.

"Where is Amira now?" he asked.

"Apparently she is under Special task force protection," answered his men, "It is led by CI Vikram and task officer Rudra. They are very adamant on catching Salaar."

"Let's have a talk with them, then." said Rajkesh.

*** Later that day ***

"What is Salaar's educational qualification?" Haseena asked Sandeep as they are in a car on their way to the party house.

"No idea didi," said Sandeep, "but now I understand why he named Albert and Einstein as Albert and Einstien."

"Classical example that good can also be found in evil," concluded Haseena as their car stopped infront of the office.

"And what about you didi?" asked Sandeep.

Haseena silently took the sweet box and got down along with Sandeep. They went inside to meet the opposite party MLA.

"Sir sir thank you so much sir," Haseena started acting immediately and feel on the leader's feet, "Because of you, I managed to complete my medicine."

The MLA had no idea but pretended to appreciate her when he saw Sandeep and other media taking pictures.

"Please have a sweet sir," said Haseena and the MLA took the sweet and posed for the picture along with that.

A while later, he took Sandeep and Haseena to his room.

"How much?" he asked Haseena.

"I didn't do it for the money," said Haseena.

"Huh? Not for money?" asked the MLA, "Were you not sent by my PR team."

"Yes, but I am here with a different plan," said Haseena, "Next month when you go on a rally, one of my men will hit you with a rock. I want you to use that opportunity to slowly starts protests against the ruling party. My men will constantly disguise as opposition party goons and will keep attacking you. You'll gain enough sympathy in the upcoming elections and all I ask at the moment is for you to declare a state bund during the second week of December as a part of your protests."

"And why should I accept the deal?" asked the MLA.

"Because the alternative is for you to die," said Haseena, "The sweet you just ate is poisoned." "Don't worry, it's slow poision though," she added, "Undetectable through all lab tests and you wouldn't see any symptoms until a week before you die. The good news is I have the antidote and I'll send it to you the moment you declare the bund. The bad news, if you don't you'll die of poisoning anyway and there will still be a bund."

"You could call security now and I wouldn't speak a word," said Haseena making sure to block out other possibilities, "We will both die." "Do you want my support to become an MLA or do you want my support to die?" she asked in a slow confident pace.

"How do I trust you would give me the antidote?" asked the MLA.

"You are my duck that lays golden eggs MLA saab," said Haseena, "and I am not stupid."

*** A while later ***

"Phew, that was intense," said Sandeep on their way back. "Anyway," he added, "We need to get the antidote ASAP. We had the sweets too and I don't want to take any risks."

"You believe I really poisoned them?" smiled Haseena, "Where would I find a completely undetectable poison Sandeep, come on."

"That was all a lie?" asked Sandeep surprised, "But didi you were so confident..."

"I had to be," said Haseena, "Confidence makes lies believable and fear makes people stupid."

*** Elsewhere ***

"Sir, someone called Mr. Rajkesh came to see you," the head constable told Vikram.

Vikram and Salaar exchanged confused glances.

"Send them in," said Vikram and Rajkesh walked in with his men.

"Hi," he said and propted for a shakehand. Vikram looked away carelessly.

"Hi, task officer Rudra," Salaar introduced himself and took the handshake.

If Salaar is a 'Classical example that good can also be found in evil' what is Haseena?

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